

One of my cats would be like "I don't need feminism unless I can scratch it. Can I scratch it? Is it made of fabric?"

Cue the Dogsplainers...

I don't need feminism because they're always complaining about the word "pussy."

Oh sure, this is acceptable! But if I make a joke about how I don't need feminism because I am a man, I get attacked for it. Cats need to check their fucking privilege.

It could also be a useful resource for young women just discovering their sexuality. Cosmo also does basic sex articles for the young un's as well. This could be a 'socially acceptable' way of accessing information for young lesbians. Not disagreeing with your assessment, just saying it can also have a positive effect

Dude, you've got it right. It makes me laugh that anyone would take Cosmo sex tips seriously - don't people know that we used to just get drunk in the office and think up the most bizarre shit just for the hell of it?! It was so much fun!

This makes me so itchy, all the sugar, all the yeast...

Most of these seem like straight sex positions, just with a passing mention at the end about boobs touching.

It is extremely irritating to me that there was no coverage of the UN discovery of Hamas rockets inside a school (two times!) or the fact that Palestinians in Gaza voted Hamas into power knowing that Hamas calls for the destruction of Israel, attacks on civilians and limited to no human rights (for women in

I'm all about looking more closely at the men who made brief appearances, because I always thought the magazine editor she blew it with when he caught her ransacking his place was the one that got away.

Right?? At least they finally addressed her having zero dollars when she has to buy her apartment back from Aidan, but that many shoes in general is ridiculous.

Probably the same way Carrie had like 100 pairs of shoes that cost at least $400 per.

Smith was lovely also.

Most (if not all) of the men Carrie dated were awful. I refuse to pick among them. I'm okay with that because Carrie was no prize either.

She should have waited for David Duchovny to get out of the nuthouse!

I felt that was an accurate representation of white people dancing.

Aidan was the ultimate Nice Guy.

OH MY GOD I think you cracked it.

Berger was a tool. Even before the Post-It.