Sorry, unimpressed. Get back to me when you're ready to make a bowl of potato salad.
Sorry, unimpressed. Get back to me when you're ready to make a bowl of potato salad.
Trending 4 years from now: #John&JaneDivorce2018 #iwilltakehimforallheisworth #blessed
Greek was my jam for some time. I shock's my cousin's show when I told her about the black gay male pledge.
Ah, that makes sense.
It's an easy way to find photos people have taken. If you use a hashtag with say your two first names and the year, you're friends add the #John&Jane2014 Jane can search the hashtag and find all the pictures. As can all of the people at the wedding. It's not about pretending to be Kim & Kanye, it's simply using a…
Its gotta be one of the most progressive shows on television right now. An interracial lesbian couple with a large group of adopted children, including a rape victim who went on trial to her rapist and stood by her story, a young boy who paints his nails and is hinted at being gay, two hispanic children and a…
I think your comment is incredibly disingenuous. I don't know any women who aren't pro choice. Yes, there are anti-choice women out there, but they are few; it certainly isn't a 505-50 ratio of women who are pro-choice and anti-choice.. Who leads the anti-choice movement? Men. Who passes anti-choice laws? Men. Who…
Wedding ideas/themes?
"I find this interesting because I don't believe I would equate this particular example with late term abortion. Abortion is something a woman does with an unwanted fetus. ... Its heart breaking and awful. I think this show was smart in dealing with it as a loss; a death in the family."
RIP Greek. (I can't make it through the sitcoms. You are a stronger person than I...)
This show is the tits, and I loved this episode for all the reasons you mentioned. I cried when Lena told her mom about why she wanted to take the risk (she's the only one without bio family in the house) and even though my little pro-choice mind was going MUM BEFORE BABY! I was really hoping the plot would allow her…
I believe that the entire ABC Family lineup is designed to give Pat Robertson a fatal aneurysm so that they can finally drop the "family" from the name.
It began with that premise. It takes a good hard look into the foster system which also touches on some houses that cause abuse, juvenile deliquency among much more. It's not a bad show I don't watch it that often because it's almost too dramatic for my tastes, but yes it's very progressive and I'd recommend most…
I am 32, and I watch a hella ton of ABC Family. Switched at Birth, The Fosters, Chasing Life, even the sitcoms - Baby Daddy, Melissa and Joey, Young & Hungry... except Mystery Girls, cause that ish is stupid.
Greek was my favorite though. I wish it hadn't ended...
Some part of me thought, "Stop hugging Vee! She'll slock you!"
From reading the show's description and an article in the New Yorker, it seems like The Fosters is kind of ... progressive? Not just for ABC Family, but for like, TV. Is this true? I am intrigued. I only watch Pretty Little Liars OMG GO AWAY I LOVE THAT SHOW SPENCER 4EVA.
I mean J. Lo did warn us she was REAL like a decade ago?
It's not a generic tank top, though, it's a specific design. While I certainly think that Hanes has a right to challenge the patent, I can't blame Lulelemon for acting to protect designs they see as proprietary. It's called protecting your business, and it's smart.