
Oh man, we had so much fun with those in Vegas. We were collecting them. They'd reach right across me to hand one to my husband, and I'd take it and hand them back one of the other cards I'd grabbed. We left Vegas with about 100 of them. Considered making them a Magic-type card game. "I tap Tiffany and hit you

Exploitation: Choose Your Adventure!

three whiskey sorus

Apparently, we all do.

Women don't wear outfits for your manly viewing pleasures and misogyny and Jezebel and check your privilege and et cetera.



You hit the nail on the head.

Hires Bill Yosses.

"You probably don't understand a word I'm saying because I'm a creepy lunatic that is making no fucking sense................ But I gotta tell you girl...................... Id really like to dip you in a giant bowl of salsa like a xochitl tortilla chip"

I wonder how a hungry bear would compare to a hungry hungry hippo...

wait, is this your first encounter with the phrase Jesus tapdancing Christ?

Also tan and khaki. But it's cheaper to clean up after.

I always have a private laugh when people call me repressed. If they only knew...

No, see, that would be contractual (verbal) sex. We're talking about _casual_ sex.

How does one film these sex scenes? He's not wearing underwear so I'm assuming his little man is exposed, probably rubbing all over her leg. Or do they put a sock on it so as to avoid accidental/inadvertent insertion (assuming it's erect)? I really need to know because the answer is certainly not in my bar exam prep

Totally beside the point but I fucking hate oatmeal. Everyone acts like they love it but it tastes like paste. I have to horse it down.

I'm genuinely grateful that most of my friends fall on the casual sex side, because its really shown me how its all about an individual's preferences. I too can count all my sexual partners on one hand (20s) and I prefer it that way. But all my friends are the opposite, and they're perfectly content! And we all get

There's nothing wrong with that! I wish I liked oatmeal, too, but it's just not for me. ;)

OK I am one of the few that can't stand anything Justin Timberlake does, but that tush is niiiice. I don't hate your butt, Justin .