Browsing the comments here, apparently I am the only woman who didn't experience pain or bleeding. Mine was absolutely that Nemo gif - "Oh. Now what?"
Browsing the comments here, apparently I am the only woman who didn't experience pain or bleeding. Mine was absolutely that Nemo gif - "Oh. Now what?"
I don't see why the two can't go hand-in-hand. I don't think that teaching children about objectification is somehow opposed to limiting their exposure to it.
Especially if he's rolled the shirt sleeves up to his elbows!!
i have a son, and i would like him to be protected from as many images of sexualized images of women exploited for corporate profit as possible (incidentally, i'd like to protect my daughter from that as well).
I may not agree with her puritanical intentions, but I agree with her outrage. It's absolutely degrading to see images like these on someone else's t-shirt. It's not a personal expression of sexy - it's a commercialised exploit, and a constant reminder that in our society women are still viewed as more objects than…
I'd take whatever the cats had to say over this insanity we've had lately on the East Coast. End of days, yo.
Why are we mocking her? She has a valid point. Most people who shop there are teenagers and Pac Sun knows this. It's deliberate. These are not just offensive shirts, they are sexist. Furthermore, she never said anything about her religion or what effect she thinks it will have on teenage sexuality so I don't…
One of those few moments, where, as a feminist I agree with this Mormon mom that the tee shirts are awful, but for completely different reasons. It doesn't get more straightforward than this. No cute little wordplay (like back in myyy day!) just BAM, here's an almost nude lady. The problem is not that she's almost…
Pro-Life Man Tries to Protect Chicken Fetuses with Gun
Also, don't listen to music too loud, don't go to malls, don't go to school, and most importantly, don't be black.
In a capitalist economy there's plenty of food for everybody, including the poor. It's just all in the pantries of the rich.
Amazing, and the fact that Disney included it specifically to touch the lives of kids with same-sex parents makes me weepy and happy. This, along with their efforts to diversify their princesses is really making me like Disney again.
If I thought he would listen it would be a great idea. There should be a celebrity big brothers and sisters program.
Oh good grief. You lot were wrong and she was right. Grow up.
I'm not going to lie, I'm only on jez for Ninjacate, Kyosuke, kshortie16, and a few others but watching this Jez/lena dunham meltdown has been hilarious. Its like watching the two annoying white girls at a party trying to out annoy the other one.
For the same reason that people hate Anne Hathaway.
I like Jezebel and Girls. Why are Mommy and Daddy fighting?
I just hope y'all have enough ice for that burn.