
Here's my question is all appropriation of culture racist? As a black person, black face actually requires a person to put on makeup as opposed to "acting black" or "dressing black". I mean I don't consider Jamie Kennedy or Seth Green racist for those movies where they "acted/dressed black"

You really missed the point of the episode didn't you? Just full on missed it? The whole thing is a mad fantasy in Marshall's mind filled in with the people in his life and he loves Kung fu movies. It's supposed to be silly because it comes from his ridiculous mind shaped on marshmallow salad and mayonnaise. They

How can you not mention that Maria Joao of the 1978 cover is the mother of Jordana Brewster?

Regarding just the words "move the fuck over bro."

To be honest, healthy eating was about the last thing on my mind when I started on sertraline (not that I just ate junk food all the time, I still ate fairly healthy, just more). It was kind of a big deal to want to be eating at all — appetite is one of the first things to go when I fall into a slump and when it's

Recovering bulimic (17 years) and boozer (4 years) here.

Those people are from New York. Harrumph.

No... New York gave us Jersey Shore.

Since Lindy didn't do a great job describing the situation, here's how I pictured it...

Yeah, she basically went from ruining her seatmate's day to everyone around her in earshot.

Yeah the opening didn't really make me sympathetic. Especially when he tried to drop it and she got all confrontational like WAT DID U SAY? None of her replies make sense to me. Sounds like she was just in a piss poor mood and I kinda feel bad for the guy who had to deal with her obnoxious attitude.

Secret pregnancy and serious first trimester morning sickness?

I missed the part about where he said something about your weight.

You missed one:

I'm a woman and can't stand the ring thing. It seems so shallow and materialistic to show off expensive jewelery like that (plus there's the whole blood diamonds issue). I never ask to see the ring, but if it's shown then I just smile and say "nice".

Bite your tongue! Alice was the best! Books about Alice please!!

You didn't watch or read the Twilight series because you have eyes and ears? I like you Laura, but the intellectual snobbery of Jezebel really gets on my tits at times.
Hundreds of millions of people enjoyed Twilight; I've read all the books and watched the movies and I enjoyed them. I probably read about 40 books a

just Hunger Game it already!(I guess without the killing each other) Dress them in weather-ready clothes, give them a jacket and let 'em at it...

Apparently, anyone who says being obese is unhealthy is now "fat shaming" and/or "concern trolling," but honestly, if people are content being "large and in charge" and happy with their bodies as they are, then they wouldn't be so offended by those who talk about the legitimate health risks associated with being

The wife (white) of my boyfriend's cousin (Indian) was once asked this about her son (whose skin color is closer to his dad's):