
I've seen a friend nearly bring herself to orgasm just by looking at a picture of shirtless Jensen Ackles. Also women get aroused by a greater variety of stimuluses than men and some women have exercise-induced orgasm. So I would say that men are not more easily sexually stimulated than men.

I think if you tell a kid, especially a teenager, to stay away from something then they might grow extremely curious about it.

I think Mockingjay is fucking brilliant. I love that District 13 and the Rebellion is treated unsentimentally. For instance (AND MAJOR SPOILERS) I love that Katniss continues to be abused as the centerpiece of a propaganda machine. (This time the rebellion's.) And I love that we see Gale ultimately corrupted, and then

Yeah, Jezebel has a Jewish problem. I mean, I`ve seen the comments you`re referring to and while they are (thankfully) in the minority, the powers that be allow them to stay posted, which gives them legitimacy they don`t deserve.

I was slightly surprised because until this casting OUAT has been fairly faithful to how the characters looked in the Disney animated films - Ariel had red hair, Belle was a brunette, etc. Robin Hood was not a fox, however.

YES! I posted this question earlier on a different post actually, wondering if she had served the required army stint after hearing she was Israeli.

Kim Kardashian is not Middle Eastern. Armenia is in the Caucasus. She's literally Caucasian. The definition of Middle East specifically excludes the Caucasus.

Institutional racism against Jews was also a thing. In America. Probably during your lifetime, unless you are Kanye's age or younger.

why do you think he felt the need to mention jewish people at all? based completely on stereotypes that generalise an entire group of people simply down to race. why did he not mention Media people or CEOs instead, would have been a much better comparison then an entire culture...

I see you found my original blog post: Spanish Inquisition, Warsaw Ghettos, and Gas Chambers take on Mass Killings, Slavery, and Culturally Acceptable Lynchings. Who had it worse? Who wore the rags better? Who will wear the ultimate misery and discrimination crown?

I wasn't comparing racism and anti semitism (although to imply that there is no history of institutional anti semitism is pretty laughable). Then again, neither was he. He was suggesting that Jewish people have connections because of their religion and that allows them to succeed. I was taking exception to that

Looks like I found her "G-spot." YEAH BABY!

I am soft. I am gentle. I am woman, now with 40% more lanolin for EXTRA softness!

This also means that mental health providers will have more clients who can receive non-crisis treatment, services will be reimbursed rather than an agency write-off, and better pay to workers. All around a great thing!

My ADHD has been unmedicated for a year now, and I'm just struggling to stay afloat (for that, and other physical health reasons). January cannot come fast enough.

So what you're saying here is... I might be able to afford to see my shrink more than once every three months? I might be able to actually AFFORD all the various medications she puts me on? I might be able to feel... BETTER? What witchcraft is this?

That is disgusting that they would insist on something so ridiculous. What's next, girls getting sent home for wearing jeans instead of dresses?

What is the difference between Skyler's Vera Bradley bag and an average messenger bag? Actually, I know the answer to that. A run-of-the-mill messenger bag could never be that fabulous.

I'm sure there's someone more knowledgeable on the topic than I, but is there a reason that the Palestinians haven't adopted non-violent resistance? I'm an Israel supporter but I think Palestine has a right to a sovereign country (preferably the West Bank and land from Syria and Jordan) and once the country is

Fuck Hamas.