
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum!

Ah. So the networking can happen between sororities at different universities. Thanks for that insight. Now I'm kind of disappointed I never attempted to join one.

My chapter absolutely looked at GPA (we had a minimum of 3.0), honors & awards, and extracurricular activities as a big part of membership criteria. We wanted to find women who were going to be leaders on campus and after graduation. Not just girls who would look cute in our matching t-shirts. We wanted women who were

I wonder if it's an example of how a lower-status group, upon gaining (often, very little) power, will act in a manner that marginalizes others as a means of utilizing that power to enforce status differences (e.g., the MPs who abused prisoners in Abu Gharib were low on the totem pole in the military hierarchy, so

Did you just COMPLETELY miss the fact that the sororities wanted to involve minority applicants? That current members of the sororities are the reason bidding was reopened, because they went public with the fact that racist asshole alumni were the ones blocking them from including people they wanted to include? This

did... you just use a picture of a dude from the Jersey Shore to comment on how dudes don't have body issues?

If they were extended a bid, then they are already in. Unless they drop out or do something that would call for them to be kicked out, they aren't going anywhere.

Ok, pantless does not mean your ass is out. I am also pantless when I'm wearing shorts (like Vanessa in the photo) skirts, and dresses. Pantless is not a new trend! Making it sound like you are Porky Piggin it around town is!

I thought people wanted to prevent their b-hole hair from getting this long?!

Totally. Why couldn't she just have been like, "I'm selling these tickets because my daughters lied to me and broke the rules. Their loss is your gain!"

This. Exactly. Sell the tickets. That's a great punishment.

Yeah, I'm torn. I am so down with punishments like this against teens, who often need an attitude readjustment in ways that make an impact. But to call them "bitchy" and "trollops" (socially acceptable way to call teenaged girls sluts?) and to outline the details? Not so much. That is, well, bitchy. And it doesn't do

Yeah, parents who cave after threatening serious punishment end up with awful kids who believe that consequences don't apply to them.
But this is not anonymous, this puts her daughter and her friends at real risk at school and online. She should have sold them quietly and laid into the kid at home. Not even for

Also, why does EVERY guy seem to think ALL women HAVE to love anal? I'm starting to think guys who can't comprehend women not liking it feel that way because they like it so much.

They get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think you'd endure, somehow...

Every time I read the show title "Fox and Friends" I think its a children's show. I'm not sure if that would be better or worse, really.

It's a popcorn dress! I bet it gets all tiny when she takes it off!

I work in the field of risk management and safety and for the life of me cannot understand why porn actors should be exempt from PPE (personal protective equipment) when shooting movies. All employees who work in high-risk occupations (construction, manufacturing etc.) are required to wear some type of protection.

I was just going to say...she is really out of touch if she thinks sororities are meant for mixers and photo shoots and all that bull. Little does she know of the requirements made by many NPC organizations for oh, you know, little things like academics, and philanthropy, and social awareness... She's in for a rude