
I disagree. This video is not only slamming Robin Thicke's icky, rapey video. It also (perhaps unintentionally) appears to be making a stand against the fetishization of women in pornography — the use of the vibrator, the whipped cream on his face — these are all valid, visual criticisms of the way that women are

I look at that picture and I think "wow, Shailene Woodley has crazy, sick abs."

I swear to fucking christ, Jez. YOU GUYS POSTED AN ARTICLE EARLIER TODAY about stopping ripping on bodies of all sizes, and your first line in this article is "DOES SHE EAT?"

This is aimed towards the comments in this thread and not to you personally. I find it a little hypocritical that people are all aghast that parents are making this "personal decision" for their children. Parents make a ton of personal decisions for their kids, including healthcare, education, religion and you know,

Oh please. I don't have to 'cite sources' to strangers about a personal decision we're making for OUR son. That's ridiculous. As for being defensive, read through some of the comments. I'm clearly in the minority among commenters, so I suppose that lends itself to being defensive. Wevs.

As someone who has been circumcised and also completely okay with it, it really confuses me why there's such a big hubbub about this. One word that needs to really be used less often in this argument is mutilation.

The impact is smaller and taken less seriously?

Lifelong skinny/petite woman here: You're right, it doesn't carry the same negative connotations as being told that one is too fat.

However, I am NOT secretly delighted to be told that I'm too thin. When comments like, "You need to eat a cheeseburger", "You're sooooo skinny", "You look like you're going to blow away

I want to start by saying that you make some really good points, and I acknowledge and agree with them all . But, when you say the impact is smaller, you mean the cultural impact. The impact on the individual woman can be just as devastating. At the end of the day, if a girl goes home feeling worthless because people

Ugh! Horrible. Don't forget the "I'm sorry you feel that way" non-apologetic apology.

I support separating restrooms by people who pee on the seat and people who don't pee on the seat.

That is a much nicer ass.

So agreed. One reason I liked Disney's Mulan movie was that it introduced a folk tale many kids might never have known otherwise. (Plus Mulan kicks ass.)

Probably after Harry. The rest aren't as cute. I mean, Liam is nice, but no. And Zayn is a silly spelling. hahaha! Seriously, just kidding. Sorry. Tired. Don't mind me.

Am I the only person who thinks it would be helpful to stop defining racial boundaries in terms of clothing and dance moves and fingernails? Saying "these clothes are for black people," "these dance moves are for black people," "this manicure is for black people" is far more cringe-inducing than a pop star with bad

I have a very good friend who worked on her show for years and years and he is absolutely distraught at the media sensationalism of this whole thing. He is the most cynical and judgmental person I know and he says she never once showed signs of racism and aside from being a little bit of a diva, she is a sweet, kind

Exactly. I always go with Certified Professional Black Men with class B licenses (the "B" is for "Black"). Just like my Dad. Who wants a hobbyist or someone who's just a black man on the weekends? Or, God forbid, a Basic Black??

I didn't interpret it that way... more that, sometimes, the everyday relationship stuff impacts what you do in the bedroom. Not that you have to be vanilla or anything, but that if he is not generally dominant outside of the bedroom, maybe he doesn't feel as comfortable being dominant in the bedroom. I know some