
There's something very weird about a society where bosses obsess over their employees' piss.

The mouse quote is actually right though, and isnt actually predictive. There was literally no indication from end users that a device of that sort would be useful. Granted it may have been because it didnt exist yet, but that seems a bit irrelevant.

Is the right answer to blackmail the IOC members instead of bribe them?

Very nice design.

You aren't this daft? Right? Seriously? The only thing, that gets fat cat European fucks to reward the fucking Olympics, is FUCKING MONEY! They rewarded shit to Brazil, thanks to fucking Oil Money. China? They have money. Russia? Money. The FIFA and the IOC, are corrupt fucks, and Norway should have a Winter

This is just terrible, terrible prognostication. I am genuinely impressed by how short-sighted and myopic his guesses are. Not all of them, sure, but the idea that we'll all be bored, lazy monsters with nothing to live for in the future is just flat out absurd. When have people, on the whole, ever been bored in

Dr. Heywood Floyd: Listen, just because our governments are behaving like asses doesn't mean we have to. We're supposed to be scientists, not politicians

Except Woz changed the world with the Apple II, the machine that started the personal computer revolution and prompted IBM to create the IBM PC after years of dismissing the mere idea of such a device.

Sadly, the Cold War movies might not be obsolete anymore.

And US government, who have been accused of wiretapping since 1900, have been hacked by the Chinese every other month. It all comes full circle.

Jesus fuck NSA, spying on foregin powers is the CIA's job. Do you assholes just love spying so much you can't stop at our borders?

Sure and the "patriot" act was created to protect our freedoms too.

If the NSA has infiltrated Huawei to this extent all the more reason to believe that Huawei had built in back doors for the Chines government, the NSA probably read about it in some internal emails. Although the fact that the NSA broke in is wrong I am more at peace with that than I am with Huawei actually building in

I think I had a seizure while I watched that.

And it's so delicious. The bread was my favorite part of my visit to San Francisco several years ago.

Maybe the artist is still protesting the name change to Willis Tower

What the hell kind of stupid asshole illustrates the Chicago skyline and leaves off the sears tower?

All in all, I think I will keep buying them from Lush. :)

Somebody need to check their math....

Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!