
This should have absolutely no effect on my life whatsoever but still makes me kind of sad....

Here's an idea. There should be a 24hr tv/cable channel that will show back-to-back "how it's made", except that the shows will have no commentator and made just like this video. I will finally have a reason to keep my tv on.

O'Hare might be a bit of a big mess of an airport, but being able to get the blue line in and out, right into the city, is pretty fucking boss.

Incredible bike. And possibly the most effective natural selection device ever produced. Many, many bros will meet their demise on this crotch rocket.

Why would anyone actually watch Saturday Night Live? Let alone a documentary about it.

Coins last 15 times longer than bills, making them significantly more cost effective, which is prefered for lower value demonications.

Sorry pigs - go cry somewhere else.

Your dissent has been noted. We value your opinion. Please report to your local Super Patriotic Identification and Enforcement Station for immediate congratulations.

Any minute now those heroes known as Anonymous will protect the world from this site that's selling black market illegal weapons and potentially dangerous illicit drugs.

I'm a huge fan of Southwest Airline's "cattle chute" method, even if I feel like I'm in a cattle chute. I think it's wrong to characterize this as a free-for-all, even if seats aren't assigned, because there absolutely is conformity (and relative fairness) to how those seats are assigned.

As somebody who uses oracle every single day, it sucks. but, it's absolutely necessary.

Only the Canon qualifies as a camera. AMIRITE????

am I the only person who thought this show was terrible?

NSA, I know one of your agents will probably read this at some point so I want you to know that what you're doing is wrong. You, desk agent, are doing a job that you don't have to do. It is not okay and you don't have to do it.

What if they had taken the fine? Since its a public corporation, they would have had to disclose those amounts somehow, right? they cant just say money disappeared. Would they have written "10,000,000 - secret fine" in the books?

the terrorists won.
and im not talking about those in the middle east.

Anyone else just suddenly gain a lot of affection for Yahoo?

Well good on Yahoo for trying at least. I bet a lot of other companies took it without a lick of resistance.

You sound like a scientist. Can I sign up for your newsletter?

buyer: Hi, I'm a kidnapper with 4 cars and tons of money. Instead of investing in real estate, I like to buy cars instead. Do you have something that looks like a sea monkey?