
I'll just leave this here.

Oh great, pop up windows akin to pop up ads (and it will undoubtedly include pop up ads) for tv.

"Markets" consist of bid, offer and size. "Executions" (the part you see, anyway) consist of price(s), quantities and timestamp(s). And they're not server-farms, they're exchange colos. HFT/LLT is not illegal, immoral, or anything else. It is, however, automated which brings it's own problems. Of course it's

Again, your lack of salient facts is impressive. You don't trade with dark pools (it actually doesn't sound like you trade at all). Again, YOU have never received a worse fill on a market order as a result of HFT. Period. You may have been denied an execution on a limit bid or offer because of a BETTER BID OR

How exactly does that logic work? The speed of the trade has no impact.

Eye-Fi has NO PROVISION FOR STATIC IP. Don't waste your money here if you plan on running on a network w/o DHCP.

Something something something provolone something something cheddar.

99.999999999999999% of those people most likely had absolutely zero malicious intent as well. TSA is just security theater and a pain in the ass.

Get out of my air and into my drinking water!!

Where stupid laws exist...creative solutions are born.

Do you have evidence, or are you just fear-mongering?

the US mint makes coins, the bureau of engraving and printing makes paper money.


Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww... Poor public officials being spied on... Poor, poor public officials. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww... I just wanna cry. Boo-hoo. Boo-hoo. Wah. Wah. Boo-hoo. Melodramatic knuckles under eyes to signify crying. Wah. So sad.

I totally support stealing secrets from the governement as a way to inform the population. But stealing information concerning family members is something way too invasive for me. I'd like to read some explanations from Anonymousfor using this approach.

Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know

Not going to lie, this is a pretty weak launch line up. Not as if that's ever stopped anyone.

Leaving the house is for losers, fact.

If people from outside the US expeienced US shooting ranges on vacation with .357, .44 and Glock 21 .45 rentals, they would demand instant gun law changes in their home countries.There is nothing like the sound of a hot .357 Magnum round!