
Where the white women at? RIP Cleavon Little.

My all time favorite was Blazing Saddles where "Up Yours, Nigger." was cleaned up to "Out of my way... Nigger." Whuh?

Just like the mail.

I didn't inhale.

Cue the California lobbyists for that Great Lakes Pipeline in 3, 2, 1....

All minds are not equal....

BUT... BUT... BUT... 3-D!!!!!

WTF is that?

Jodorowsky's Den...


Right math, wrong interpretation.

Population control = "Futuristic"? That's the most retarded assertion I've ever heard.


Can you spot the headache?

You win consistently by watching your opponent.

Wow. fpbas, edasm, call -151, pr#6- always and forever! I bought my first apple a few months ago- literally an Apple ][+ on ebay. I couldn't believe how fast it all came back. Plugged it in, hooked up the monitor (disk drives hadn't arrived yet) and turned it on... FAIL! Wait! I know this... What what what? I

and besides- isn't that what Imgur is for?

MUCH more impressive than that annoying Red Bull video. I hate those hard cuts just as the pilot is completing his maneuvers- here you get to see everything. Hate. Like listening to a skipping record.

1.25/100 homes isn't the abomination that the chart would suggest (I guess it could have been worse- they could have colored the "offending" areas bright red?). The data are also skewed by population density- as 630K homes doesn't mean 1.6MM people just because the total number of people divided by the total number

Cubs are a brand, not a team.