
God, old LA is incredible though...

Awesome misinformation! The worst areas start at .0125... Way to gerrymander a shit story (rimshot) into your existing statistics: "And since the Census says the average American home has 2.6 individuals, the 630,000 homes without full indoor plumbing contain about 1.6 million people."


Stole it from what? The middle of the road?

You had me at "disrupt."

Because... Science! Finally something useful,

Numbers never lie...

Did he really say "Warshington?"

Soundtrack of my life...

The pipe organ is only part of the reason to visit the Estate. He restores and preserves steam engines- not the sexy locomotives that everybody treasures (well, there is one of those too). He saves the Victorian steam engines that were the life's blood of The Industrial Revolution. One of the most remarkable

Peanut butter

Small beer? Not in America!

Drew it on a cloudy day?

WoW, no caps. Clear, no caps. Me? No problems... FTTB.

Even though most non-retards would fly a courtesy flag...

I don't begrudge them for trying to charge on a per-unit basis as long as IT IN SOME WAY REFLECTS THE REALITY OF THEIR COST. My gut feeling, though, is that this is a way to extract extraordinary profits and commit nothing to infrastructure, upgrades, or increased band. So pretty much what a classical monopoly is

Then what are you doing here....

Neither does the new HD Slingbox 500(?) so effin' annoying.

This is incorrect. The "market" consist solely of bid, offer, and size and has nothing to do with the speed at which an order is entered. Order-Entry Transit Time is a trade metric. And HFT spend a "metric ton," depending on the type of algo/HFT, to be closest to the Exchange in an attempt to be faster than the

Nobody that had one in their office would call it a failure...