
Bingo. How many other humanitarian disasters were conveniently ignored before this one? And now that we've decided to act (on one), the only answer is bombs? Shame on you Washington.

And Iran and Israel....

BOMB THEM!!!! With food, water, tents, blankets, clothing, toilet paper, towels... All the fcking retards in Washington can think of is how to justify their next phony "war". No one outside of the beltway if praying for this.

Yes, they can. It's not even a question.

WOW is the bomb.

Does it have one of those cancer sniffing dogs in the handle?

By what? Building a big concrete building? With outward-facing guns, I think...

Spoken like a true insider. Who never took economics... My mind boggles at how badly MSFT misunderstood their target market.

Please go fuck yourself with a police baton. MOST RETARDED LOGIC EVER.

Hey, president idiot- you don't scan 99.9999(999) of the people (NTM the whole Constitutional rights thing) to find the handful of people bent on a crime. Not merely inefficient, downright ineffective.

Most retarded logic ever.

I think the printers are pretty-much there. I'm waiting on a better 3D-scanner....

Cant' lend or borrow? May not be allowed to re-sell (well, for me by used)? WTF did I buy? $25 and direct download sounds right for that, but $60 (or more) and a trip to the Gamestop? Go fuck yourself.

$20mm/yr? Something isn't right is this is a widespread "collect and sift" data aggregation. That wouldn't buy the hard-drives for a day of data in the US....

Or there's Adafruit or SParkfun for, like, a 20th of the cost. But you'll have to use your soldering iron...

Or there's Adafruit or Sparkfun for, like, a 20th of the cost. But you'll have to use your soldering rion...

You put the design in the the public domain /back then/?!?!

I still have mine. Lost the pile of floppy's in college. What a shame. Visicalc, Magic Window, Hard Hat Mac, Choplifter,,, and searched for NASA. When I got a 56k listened to a Cheap Trick Concert streamed live from somewhere. Pretty novel for 1996.

Nice invective. Because, you know- out of everyone i just asked- nobody (black, white or asian) even mentioned color. Out of more than a dozen... Where is my flying car? Yes. Robot maid? Yes. Rast-ro? Yes. Theme song? Multiple times. Implied latent racism? No a single fucking person.