
"So what." Exactly. Zip guns and other garage guns have been made for decades. This is no different.

Yeah, I've bitten the bullet and started Binging, too. When iGoogle goes away I will go with it.

THIS! What have you found? It is the single most useful thing I have found- everything, all together in one place. If you need something that doesn't exist? Script it. Google is fucking moronic to kill something so useful- if even to a small audience.

How about start with "DON'T FUCKING KILL iGOOGLE."

I Laughed when I saw it! Haha- I'm using it.

State issue, not a Federal issue.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) the answer is Yes, the fifth amendment should stop alleged criminals from being forced to decrypt their hard drives. It amounts to "OK, you're under arrest, now tell us where you hid the [XXX]." Drugs, bombs, porn...

I love this stuff. Not necessarily because of the technology- but because I'm a child of the cold wear. I remember the dis-information. Stuff like this makes me smile for being so ignorant as to believe it.


Hah- beat me to it. First thing that crossed my mind... I CAN'T BELIEVE JULIE'S POST- SHE MADE $7392 ON HER LUNCH BREAK AT GIZMODO...

Hah! Touche.

And Java was built for Cable Boxes... But that doesn't explain how it still sucks while Android has improved :)

Gravity Stool? All I see is kicking it in the dark...

I have Translate on my iGoogle Home Page, works like crazy! Which is why iGoogle is going away in November....?


How about letting me select which item populate the black bar? I hate have to hunt through drop-downs.

America's premier brand.

A face made to slap.

It is a shame that this is the only way the system works. Cops are there to protect our rights? Yeah, sure... Hope that cop gets drilled, if he's doing nothing wrong why should he care if he's on camera?

And R2 compromised the Death-Star once inside, too...