
The station subsequently surrendered to the Wikimedia representative...

Used the Zenith Z-88 (well, the Heathkit version) back in the early 1980s on the front-end of a PDP11/70. Remember it well. Pet? Not so much, I was all ][+ on the micro side.

It's not a "fighter," it's a trainer.

Don't read this article if you're actually looking for an answer...

So I guess it's die for me...

All-you-can-eat buffet?

Yes, let's maintain poor, nonsensical policy based on a statistical sliver of the relevant population....

There will need to be a baseline fare to prevent adverse selection by the airline (i.e kicking off toddlers to fill the seats with fatties) but in the end this plan is much more economically feasible than the current system. If socially unpalatable...

For Tha Win! About time.

Saner commenting system- threads are ridiculously hard to follow, and right-clicks (with intent to search) JS you into a thread. Better spam protection- not that it's onerous, but it really makes you appear as a foo-less techno brand. I like the snark, I like that authors respond to comments, and I can handle

China's; Hello, China; Your Account; Related to Items You've Viewed: State Secrets, Trade Secrets

There are bad investments, too...

Meanwhile my Clear Unlimited plan for $46/month remains... Unlimited.

Zero downtime. I will occasionally forget to plug it in and it will turn itself off, but that's it.

Anal Hookers 2 - Electric Bungholoo has always been my favorite.

+1; total BS, and where's my flying car?

I didn't see Thorium mentioned in there...

Did all of our submarines sink?

There will be NO STAR WARS in the Batman Memorial Theater!