
Oh just LICK IT!

Utterly fucking retarded. You'd think "deadliest" would be pretty easily quantifiable? When, in reality, it's that "a totally arbitrary list of uncorrelated big explosions" doesn't attract pageviews.

Full retard

... by sneaking into your house while you're sleeping and filling it with DYNAMITE!

Whoa- whoa- WHOA! Keep your funny foreign ideas like logic and common sense OUT OF MY GOVERNMENT! Isolationist and unresponsive is clearly how we like it. Oh, and super-sized if available.

No kidding! There is so much wrong with this article I don't even know where to begin! The premise is just totally wrong.

$76 an hour wouldn't pay my cart-fees. What a loser.

Hah! Brilliant.

Facebing me....

Is that new? I don't recall having to pay when I crossed in from Italie...

The video is barely interesting at the speed of life.

When I grow up and get a slow-motion camera I will never NEVER NEVER NEVER swicth back and forth between regular speed and slo-mo.

Don't bother the snakes.... Leave all the snakes.... Alone.

Yes, because it has been proven that accusation = guilt. Sheesh.

GIMP is the least usable anything. Ever. is a more usable (if less featureful) alternative- I use it every day. I've used InkScape with my EggBot but not beyond that. I think my all-time favorite was Paint Shop Pro 6? One of the older revs...

Totally agree on Netflix. Even HBOGo has improved to the 'usable' stage. All-you-can-eat is an interesting theme- though I haven't gone HULU yet it's becoming more appealing. And why'll we're at it- WTF is wrong with just showing commercials a-la cable On Demand? Does that model just not work?

Sure, there will always be some pirates (hell even a dollar is a lot of money to someone) but I think anything in the realm of reasonable would reduce it greatly. For sub-$1 why would I even bother to look for a single song vs iTunes? Now a whole catalog...

This. Eventually, we will come to realize that "life" is a lot more common than we now think... Given conditions "life" will be regarded as the default case.