
It's utterly craptastical. A Javapig that makes it totally unpossible to follow threads. Whomever is responsible for this utter pile of goo should quit- then be killed so it never happens again. Really- we had this problem solved back in the 60s with usenet...

DDoS? Is that the best they can do? YAWN...

Everything, all the time, for a reasonable price, without restriction. Problem solved.

Yes. Yes, I do. Well, I don't use THIS, but I do use a radar detector and I do "speed."

Vicki Lawrence? Oh how the mighty have fallen!

The porn under dad's bed didn't involve dogs, fists, or poop. And if kids got fones at 18 you'd be right- maybe- but at 12? Spoken like a non-parent. Or a lazy one at that.

You almost never hear the part of Neil Armstrong's "small step/giant leap" soliloquy where he claims the moon for America.

Easy to clean, too...

This. A TV for iRetards.

"Many believe that the base-12 system arose from a counting system the Egyptians inherited from the earlier Sumerian culture, counting not by the whole finger but by each individual knuckle." OK, so not "Why" after all.... And that was Phoenician I think.

"It won't allow..." Enter China...

Just OD already and get it over with.

Nice propaganda. Meanwhile, America has spoken- with it's wallet...

cghiyi8 gd 8gopqa hdgioug dbhiujhigbbgv!!!!

I hope he makes a billion zillion Dollars (or Won or whatever) and realizes that the rest of the world ain't such a bad place after all....

My phone bill went from $12 to $38 after the demutualization (I was in college so that was $26 of beer money). So much for the savings induced by 'competition'.

the "Entire Internet" is CoreSite and Equinix. Got it.

Most valuable app ever in the history of all app-thingies... Apple was stupid to even jeopardize it- even if their app was the Holy Grail of MapApps.

Clear is already the beans here in Chicago...

"1) loss-less zoom "