

And, evidently, it's an "appliance"...

Where business refuses to serve the market- the market will serve itself.

What if they told you to put your thumbs in your nose for 5 minutes? It would have the same effect on safety. It's an anachronism, and unnecessary- get rid of it.

Depends on where you shop... If you're shopping Consumer goods, I couldn't agree more. The quality is crappy, if universally crappy for the price. If you're shopping at the LHC (or any other bleeding edge concern) you'll likely find Made in America has a totally different meaning- "best and most expensive." As for

Lapdock is MUCH more appealing at $80!

What change from the hero-worship of last week...

I think there's really an opportunity here for the Asshat Brand belt-friendly iPad case.

Did you make sure to tell him he's an asshat?

I was hoping for a Roomba with a Vader mounted on it...

Anything beats this commenting heap-of-goo...

Every. God. Damn. Day. HP-12C FTMFW.

Rip what to flac? The stream? Or the analog source?

Frank Drebin is a joke, right?

Thank you for that. You saved em the trouble.


I can't seem to find this in the App Store...

When does he get his own Reality Show? "On the Lam with John McAfee"

Nice Straw Man :)