
I regret that I have but one star to give you.

The conflating pro choice with “pro abortion” irks me too.



I always thought that that was the point. That Homer, an under achieving idiot white guy got whatever he wanted; while Lisa, a brilliant and thoughtful person was constantly thwarted. That is society in a nutshell. Mediocre white men ruining everything.

How is this statement in any way controversial, Ned?

Bitch I’m in rural Tennessee, eat a dick.

boared out of my fucking mind by this

Fuck you. Also, you can’t drink until you’re 21 or rent a care until you are 25. Take a damn seat.

“These people who insist on having their guns because of the possibility of a tyrannical government...”

“5) I hear you”

You know, this is a solid comment, but you’re really not saying anything special. You’ve got a good closing line, but not a great one, nothing we haven’t seen here before. It’s just these early comments are set up to make it so much easier to get in some snark at the expense of the writer.

I mean seriously, how do they function in life? These people who insist on having their guns because of the possibility of a tyrannical government...yet they tell kids to have respect for authority? These people who live in so much fear every day that having a gun makes them feel safer? These people who think god

I’m surprised the NRA even knows Parks & Rec, I guess there are no decent Duck Dynasty memes.

Now playing

Jezebel vs. Jezebel: The commenter wars are real

That’s what my wife says during sexytime.

I tried this once but after one bite of Lembas Bread I was full and had to save all the rest of the food for the next day.

While you are COMPLETELY CORRECT in the identification of the Jabari, it did sound like a bark. In my recliner I was like; Why this Ape barkin’ doe?

Yeah, I’m with this. Killmonger was wrong for all the right reasons. His liberation motivations for me were overshadowed by his thirst for power. Yes, he wanted to square the world’s wrongs...with himself as emperor. That’s not justice, that’s supremacy. And I don’t trust his arbitrary criteria for global equity,

Yes, I agree with your main point — that it’s not one law but several. We are still a long way from reducing the number of guns in this country, but we can stop the manufacture and sale of the worst killing machines. And we could reduce mass shootings almost immediately if we limited and restricted the sale of