
 Well – I guess it took a ΩΨΦ to say it ...

Well, damn. I was hoping the title would read “Ajit Pai - found dead under a bridge”.

Off topic, but do you agree that Henry Cavill lost his hotness after the Tudors? He’s still handsome, of course, but on the Tudors he lit the screen on fire.

At the risk of diluting the discussion, the one time I’ve ever used my fists in anger was when my stepfather picked me up by the throat and slammed me head-first into the wall while choking me.

The big difference is that Mormons believe that only those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can get to the highest level of heaven. How do you do that? Well, you are a Mormon in good standing with a dick, ta-da! You’re totally a priest! If you’re a woman - better be married and sealed in the Temple to a man who

Atomic-powered sex cheetah and potato-powered sex sloth sounds like a battle of the bands concert that totally needs to happen.

We do not deserve Chrissy.

Yes, I was in church for the first time in months yesterday and the priest quoting Matthew 25, more or less said ‘If you think you’re so righteous,’  you are just pretty much the whole fucked-up problem. I like this priest and can’t hardly wait to hear what he has to say this coming Sunday.

Can we talk about Zagitova though? She murdered her program, and did it in opera length gloves. Fifteen years old. I am a life failure.

I see it as evolution of language. We’re developing a new vocabulary of pictograms. I’m not crazy about people who use emojis like crazy, but I do think they can punctuate text based conversation. And I prefer them to abbreviations like “LOL”.

I don’t care. I love Paul Rudd.

Me: One trick Pony! clap clap clapclapclap

I’m an addiction counselor in a rural area, and most of my clients are poor, low-functioning, and have low educational levels. Many of them have no transportation or internet access. They often have unstable housing.

I can read between the lines to make my own determination, but how exactly do you FEEL about homosexuality? Do those meanies on the left make you FEEL BAD about your BAD FEELINGS about gay people? Well, boo fucking hoo, buddy. It’s obvious that what you don’t understand about this would take me too long to explain,

The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all know the difference. They think it’s a righteous car.

Seriously no one should ever pick her.

I spend most of my time playing mystery heroes because A) after a long day of work the last thing I want to do is commit to competitive, with my wife and kid pulling my attention every which way and also, inevitably, somebody is going to single me out and badger me to switch characters because they’re “a really good

My heart is fucking pounding with rage right now, and I have tears in my eyes. I absolutely CANNOT believe how hard he’s fighting this. I fucking can’t. I listened to the whole thing with my hand over my mouth.

Errr, I am European, and I am aways a bit confused about what some people think are European morals. Europe is a continent and every country is different, but I can assure that in Europe, rape is not part of our morals. A motherfucker is a motherfucker, here and there.

Howard, for all his frat boy reputation and antics, is hardline about no sex with minors and about equality regardless of race or sexuality. He’s also an excellent interviewer.