
Thank you for this. This is something that had to be written.

The best Robin Hood movie.

i was driving my daughter to school this morning, listening to “my” music in the car (you know how 13 y/o girls love that) and her ears perked right up when Many Moons came on.

This world needs so much more Janelle, and so much less Trump-humping, Kanye horseshit.

I Consider Myself to Be a Free-Ass Motherfucker

Let her team see her turrets! You would instantly have other Support mains on your side. As a Zen, I would love to know where the turret nests are at a glance- knowing my safe zones is vital.

Condoms have a 7000% failure rate! Putting one on instantly impregnates anyone within a 70ft radius!

“Libelous” from someone who doesn’t know what hearsay is.

Yeah, at that age, I’m thinking (god forbid) suicide, but pancreatitis (in your 20s??) and alcoholism is no joke.

I have nothing but admiration for the way Stormy Daniels has comported herself during all this. She’s been articulate and dignified.

Pretty dangerous opinion here. Carrying a gun around doesn’t mean you have any more power than if you didn’t. It’s kind of like a security blanket - makes you feel good but has no legitimate practical purpose.

“and remember again what a real woman rapper sounds like.”

I can think of a couple similarities. You might say she has a real leg-up on the competition.

If the name Chun-Li was not on the cover, I would never associate what she’s wearing with that character. Outside of the sort of similarity with the hair buns, nothing in common.

“why do they feel like there isn’t room?” - to me it goes with a lack mentality and an inability to do math. And most GOP supporters have this. They think “if someone else gets something, that means there’s less for me.” They have been conditioned their whole lives to see that there are top people, and bottom people,

However, it is my understanding that in the history of the United States, long before Roe was foisted upon this country; no woman has ever been prosecuted for undergoing abortion,” he continued. “That is for practical reasons, as well as for reasons of compassion.”

According to the AP, he attempted to backtrack the comments hours later.

But they only support states rights when its things they like (guns, slavery, prayer). When it’s stuff they don’t like (weed, gay rights, etc) they don’t give a flying fuck.

State’s rights, bitches!

