
Nice try, but “assault weapon” has it’s own legal definition, and that’s the one everyone is obviously using. Your argument is basically like saying “but what is a concentration camp really? “Concentration’ and ‘camp’ can mean all kinds of things!” No, they mean a certain thing together as a phrase and that’s what

I have actually. I suspect you read not laws, but SCOTUS decisions, and not any actually criminal statistics. Otherwise you would know that women who own guns are twice as likely to die from firearm homicide. Having a gun in the home doesn’t make you safer as a woman, it does the complete the opposite. https://www.ncbi

“if I jump through all the annoying hoops, I’m helpless in the face of a criminal until and unless the state thinks I’m worthy” —- So much wrong with that statement.

He was born to be wild.

I’m at this point with a friend of mine. He has some weird libertarian attachment to the gun rights thing (despite not actually owning a gun), and it’s getting to a point where I kind of wonder if I can have someone who lacks this level of human compassion (of course he thinks he’s compassionate, to the millions of

Right. The other argument I hear a lot is “this won’t end all gun violence.” Well, that’s not really how we make decisions, is it? Your oncologist isn’t like “We could do chemo, but I cannot be sure it will kill literally every cancer cell, so I guess there’s nothing we can do. My thoughts and prayers are with you.”

Thank you. This is a great piece.

No. It’s not US women’s fault for shitty paid leave. You think all the women in almost every other country demanded paid leave and US women just don’t? That all we have to do is ask for it and Republicans will just pass legislation just like that? Most women take some time off when they give birth. Corporations just

His career seems to be ok for him.

It’s like society wants you to have children and then it punishes you for having children and at the same time hates you if you don’t want to have children.

I was an overly-empathetic kid with a single mom, and I absolutely hated the idea of upsetting her or getting into trouble. That story made me so anxious thinking about what would happen when their poor (single as far as I could tell) mom came home to all that destruction. She must work really hard to make their home

SAME. The cat gave me such anxiety because he was a total asshole! He’s better in the animated series but the book is garbage. Come at me Dr. Suess.

This needs more stars. Many more.

I have a son (18 yo now) who experienced Cat in the Hat in this same way. It was one of the first important glimpses into his personality - very different from mine - and something I remind myself of to help me understand him even now.

I’ve just now realized my longest recurring nightmare of people I don’t know forcing their way into my home to throw a rager is likely based on Cat in the Hat. I also always had major anxiety reading/hearing that story.

The Cat in the Hat used to give me SO much anxiety as a kid. I did NOT understand the appeal of the Cat at all and empathized far too much with the Fish..

I had this same reaction as a kid. Honestly had an aversion to reading it to my kid as an adult because I just remembered it and the cat being upsetting and unsettling more than I really remembered the plot itself.

No this is a really good take.

The Fish in The Cat in the Hat should be at the top of this list. I know, in the cartoon it is voiced by a guy but the book does not assign that fish a gender and I would argue it is the ultimate Lame Bitch.

We are set up to hate the fish, when all it does is point out that we don’t know that cat and he should not be

“I may be a harpy but my silk is stainless” would make a fantastic Twitter or Instagram bio.