
Blaming a “normative pattern” for dangerous or damaging behavior effectively blames the victims, though. That may not be your intention, but it is the most ready and obvious reading of: “if people want to have casual sex, they have to accept the bad shit that goes with casual sex.”

Before I met my wife, I was a serial

Clover, thank you. I didn’t realise how much I needed this until I watched it.

if anyone needs me, i’ll be dead.

I couldn’t get away from my desk so I had to have a granola bar for lunch. What did y’all eat today?

Here’s the thing—what Buzz Rightyear over there wants isn’t to “allow students to be challenged”. He wants Chet McBroFace to be able to stand up in his Women’s Studies class and give a forty-five minute filibuster every day to the professor on how “trannies aren’t real women” and “biologically, men are hard-wired to

I never watch trump because I cannot stand his disgusting repulsive face and his repellent off-putting voice.

Have you ever had to debate whether or not you should be allowed to exist while simultaneously struggling with depression while keeping your emotions totally in check because ‘this is supposed to be an academic environment where we can discuss anything.’?
I have.
Thank christ there was a safe space I could go

They’re literally mad that their safe space to say whatever racist or sexist thing that pops into their head unchallenged has been partially taken away. And then they get super offended about the “snowflakes” who have the gall to speak up when something offends them. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad.

Our group, in particular, focuses on people who identify as femme — so cis-gendered women, trans women, and anyone who identifies as femme.

“if one demands an echo chamber during this phase of their life, how will they function later?”

It’s a blast to take kids to!

100% Team Stripper.

In case you want to be angrier about this...

I really like that outfit that the Khajiit girl is wearing. I love how chokers look (I have a female co worker that sometimes wears em, she shown me a couple of selfies she takes in different outfits). And I also think the armwraps are VERY underrated and should be used more often, and she is doing both <3

In my head, they went back to Hyrule and he became King Zora, she became his queen, and their daughter is Princess Ruto from Ocarina of Time.

Just throw Joe Biden out there and see what he says imo. We all already know Trumps speech will be bullshit, have Grandpa Joe go up there and yuck it up rather than address what is sure to be a nonsensical address.

Sorry about the wall o’ text, but this Dahmer-related story deserves to be told.

Nazi Porgs

*knock knock*