

I just heard on NPR this morning that the school administration had labeled him a potential threat. School “security” had been made aware, whatever the school security consisted of. So the question is, how did he get into the school completely unnoticed? In the wake of these school shootings, so many schools have

I just love him. I love his energy, I love his message, I love his adorable face and those hot-ass eyebrows, too.

THANK YOU! This comes at a perfect time. I just finished Brandon Sanderson’s Oathbringer and am looking for some quicker, happy, sexy new reads.

Watching Adam skate was magical and I thought his routine was 800 times better than anyone else. He is a star.

This comment needs more stars.

I loved Paul Rudd ever since I saw Clueless a long-ass time ago. Look at this cutie pie, FFS.

THE GLOVES. I swoon. My 3 year old said, “I love her beautiful red dress!” She also kept saying, “I want to dance like that.” AHHHHHhhhhhh!!

Update: Jesus, this movie was just awful. I found myself laughing in all sorts of places that were not meant to be funny. In fact, I felt like the few funny quips Johnson gets as Anastasia were almost 4th wall-breaking; like she was reaching out and asking us directly, “Do you see how utterly ridiculous and fucked up

Great review! This has only heightened my expectation to see this garbage film tomorrow with a couple friends as we have the other two. My body is ready... to feel full of shame at being entertained by such an utterly stupid movie.

Me too! Mr. Social and I play after our kid goes to bed. We play almost exclusively Mystery Heroes and I think being forced to practice every character has the effect of heightening your overall skills. Of course there will still be characters you’re just garbage at (for me, that’s Rein and Widow), but there is

While we were watching the halftime show at the party we were at, a few of us were discussing the merits of Bruno Mars taking a Super Bowl halftime residence for the next 5 years. The NFL Superbowl [whatever number] Halftime Show with Bruno Mars! It reeks of greatness.

I’ve had conversations with coworkers and family members about this and I truly, truly do not understand why some people have such a visceral reaction to transgender people. To me, it’s a matter of common courtesy. You tell me your name, that’s the name I call you. Jesus. This is not fucking hard.

My company has Peach (a lunch delivery service that lets you order in from a different area restaurant every day). I got chicken pho today and it was pretty darn good.

SAAAAAAME. I cannot wait to see this movie so I can die all over again.

Yes it is! I went when I was a kid and my siblings and I loved it. We still talk about our knight, the yellow knight, and how he looked like our uncle George, which made us cheer for him even harder. GO UNCLE GEORGE! He lost pretty hard. #sad. I’ll take my kid when she’s old enough, there’s one about an hour away from

What many people don’t seem to understand is that the world as a whole is mostly a safe space for white, wealthy, straight men.

Except when it’s an echo chamber of conservative old white dudes and their self-important protégés, somehow no one has a problem with it.

Giving you a star because fuck that guy.

Seriously - I almost didn’t watch because even 5 seconds of Hannity gives the dry heaves, but God, what a dipshit.