
Same - I cringed so hard. Especially because the people who work at In N Out are generally unfailingly kind (at least, that’s been my experience), and I feel like they would have rushed right over to help.

I mean, it comes down to this: I really just want to say to him, listen bitch, you want to err on the side of life, err on the side of THE LIFE OF THE ALIVE PREGNANT WOMAN WHO IS ONLY ABLE TO BE PREGNANT AND GESTATING NEW LIFE DUE TO THE FACT THAT SHE IS ALIVE AND FULL OF LIFE, etc. etc. I mean I don’t know how else

Jesus Christ, I nearly spat hot cocoa all over myself.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness on this issue, in any event!

Same. JFC. Teared up several times reading it.

YES! Whyyyyyy are people so willfully ignorant and stupid about this? (And where’s the Patrick Stewart meme when I need it?)


No no no no NO NO NO NONONONONO fucking hell to the no it is not normal and finally, NO.

This is exactly what I believe and how I explain my opinion to people. I’ve always found that it’s the retribution people want, and don’t care much about the rest...

Slightly better than passing twins!

Seriously that baby he’s about to kiss is ALL OF US

Same, I needed to just make sure it was here.

A girl is doing the Many-Faced God’s work.

That Donald Trump doesn’t win the election?

I just love her, forever. She is my forever queen.

You had me at “the cat is menstrual.” Compelling, and rich.

You speak the truth yet again! Fuck these people.

Flute! We had two drum majors, one a junior and one a senior, so I got my foot in the door my junior year then took over my senior year. I have great memories of band, football games, parades. I never went to camp; marching band was “not cool” in central MA where I grew up, but now, I wish I had gone (my director

I’m with you - I was not at all down with pregnancy performance, starting with posting ultrasounds on social media. I just... hate it, for some reason. It seems like such a private thing to me. A lot of people didn’t know I was pregnant because I didn’t post ultrasound pictures, no chalkboard, no bump pics (publicly),

Seriously, regarding IS: fuck these people, fuck these people, FUCK. THESE. PEOPLE.