
So with you. I’ve found I’m way too sensitive without the buffer of some hair, anyway. I had one “complaint” a long long time ago. Big deal, he was a tool, showed him the door. Most guys don’t give AF anyway (at least, the ones worth your time and your beautiful hairy south)!

I mean, what kind of woman isn’t constantly ready to drop everything and take up the joys of motherhood?

Same. I got a play of the game a few days ago as Zarya and felt like a literal goddess.

It’s even more so for me because I recently had the pleasure of seeing him speak in person. What. An. Assclown.

I’m sitting here in the auto shop waiting to hear what goddamn thing is wrong with my goddamn car and God bless you because I’m sitting here wholly unable to control my laughter. You lot are a creative, wonderful bunch. Somehow, you make the idea of this neon-infused tampon running for office less scary.

God bless you.

My husband and I were talking about this just last night - I was in the hero gallery looking at the animations I have yet to unlock for all the characters and he said, “You know, I don’t think you’ll ever see a POTG for Lucio,” which is true, and really too bad, because he has been absolutely slaying with Lucio, and

*raises hand* Also me. I had racked up nearly $5,000 which felt insurmountable. To top it off, I received a small inheritance after my grandfather passed away, and my dad told me he wanted us kids to use that money for something fun, travel, something like that. I paid off my balance. I always felt terribly guilty

So I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but every so often I’ll see a news story, much like this one, featuring George W., and I just literally can’t believe he was president. Like, when I think back to those years my mind goes blank, but I feel this immense anger, so I know like, yes, he was the president. It’s like my

This. I think gender reveals are self-indulgent and ridiculous. Then again, I got weird at my own baby shower because I kind of can’t deal with all that attention directed at me, so maybe it’s me?

Exactly what I came here to say, except I would preface the statement by saying “This law is a metric ton of horseshit.”

I got this Jessica Simpson Mercer tote at Ross for like $35 last summer (I needed a big bag to take a laptop and a breast pump to an out of town deposition). I’ve gotten some compliments on it and it’s done the job well. The Mercer II available now is a different fabric I don’t like as much.

At least you vocalized! I just went

I’m just catching it now and it is GLORIOUS. All those stone-faced white people. It’s like... God, it’s just amazing. He killed it.

Just seeing them together makes me feel really uncomfortable and kind of sick, actually.

sinking Cruz ship

And yet, these people take hilarious umbrage when you compare their brand of Christian theocracy to the bullshit happening in the Middle East. I kinda can’t even, you know?

Exactly what I came to say. Boring AF.

That’s what I came here to say. I love him SO fucking much, these pictures made my heart want to explode.

You are not alone.