
God, what a world. You’re too right, by the way. I feel immensely lucky and I generally say that “nothing has ever happened to me,” but when I was in high school and on a track run with another girl, we were chased after by a bunch of guys. We were pulling up the rear on our run (we were both sick), and these guys

I would be 50 shades of bullshit with everyone involved.

I also hate her stupid evil face! Cheers!

You and me both! We moved out of downtown in the late summer last year and bought a house, and now it’s time to start our own mini-flock.

Seriously, I’m sitting here thinking to myself, “how the fuck is this not running 24/7?” It’s so, so awful.

It’s a good point, and it shows the truly weird relationship we have with death in our culture. I actually read something a while back about how in a bygone era, death really was all around. People didn’t die at hospitals, they died at home. They weren’t waked at funeral parlors - that was also done at home, with the

Seriously, fuck all of these people. After reading each of these tweets, the same feeling springs to my mind... “Says someone who’s white!” Of course all lives matter. The fact that black lives are treated by and large like they matter less, on a very real and structural level, is why we need BLM. I can’t, for the

Haha, no, I feel you. I don’t know if I personally would go beyond the little taste I took. But like you said, to each their own.

Why do you say that? As a person who is currently lactating, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a quick taste because I was definitely curious about what it tasted like. It would actually be the perfect creamer for coffee. It’s super, super sweet. The first thought I had when I tasted it was “liquid vanilla

It’s my first Christmas as a mother and I find myself thinking this all the time. To the point that I’m searching out simple things. Because inevitably, my daughter wants to play with a solo cup or a coaster or bang on a pot with a spatula. All this crazy light up singing shit is just sensory overload and just feels

I have no words for how much I love everything about this story and both of you.

Aw. I actually really like “Love Me Like You Do,” but that’s because inside me is a little squealing, wide-eyed, romantical 12 year-old who absolutely LIVES for grand, sweeping pop ballads.

Preach, preach, PREACH!

Exactly. When you put it like this, you realize just how opposite the view is. It’s pro-death. Pro-misery. Pro-suffering. It’s absolutely, appallingly awful. And the crazy part to me is the very same people who are victimized by these policies continue to elect representatives who support them.

It made me think of Charlton Heston in the Ten Commandments, when he went full Moses.

Yes, it is a thing... my own experience with it was entirely my fault though. I spent the day before my 1/2 marathon eating Mexican food and drinking margaritas. I made it to the port-a-potty at the end of the race, but just barely (and I went to the first people waiting in the long line and basically begged them to


10/10, would read again

Me too. (Please ungrey me THIS GIF IS TOO GOOD)

I hate the ones that glorify bitchiness (there is someone in my life who literally posts these garbage statuses daily). Like wow, it’s so clever and funky and AWESOME that you are suuuuuuch a snarky bitch but no worries it’s cool because you have bitch self-awareness (hence why you posted the snarky quote in the first