
OMG, I hadn’t even thought of the sudafed - honestly, it brings it into even sharper relief, how utterly asinine this country is about guns. WE CARD PEOPLE FOR COLD MEDICINE. And yet. Apparently James Holmes bought 4,000 bullets in one sale (per comment below). I just can’t.

This made me snort out loud.

Dear Ted,

It’s about the recognition and understanding that they did for you what they really didn’t have to do, you know? My parents definitely helped me along as a younger person. My mom cosigned on my first auto loan. My parents also sent a small monthly stipend when I was in my first year of law school. As soon as I started

I’m hoping I’m not alone when I say I WILL WATCH THE SHIT OUT OF THIS

It didn’t really have that effect on me then... but I have a little daughter now, and therefore all bad things happening to kids are like BLAH BLAH BLAH I CAN’T HEAR YOU BAD THINGS DON’T HAPPEN TO SWEET LITTLE INNOCENT BABIES. Seriously, I’m ruined for the cruelty of life!


Oh my God. This was just everything I needed today.

I really just don’t and can’t understand caring about something so much which has absolutely no bearing on your every day life. I mean, shit. It’s all I can do to get myself through each day. Where do people even find the time for this shit?

Yes, same here! It was through the girl scouts. My dad was a musician and loved to dance himself, so we had a pretty rockin’ time. He’s still a maniac on the dance floor and about to turn 60!

This is beautiful. That is all.

My young nephew walked into my parents’ house while my mom was cooking bacon. As he walked into the kitchen, he said, “Bacon... smells like freedom.”

Chips and dip definitely conjures up a cheesy and/or baked dip. Salsa is salsa.

Well, right. The whole “why bother with laws” thing... headache central.

Not only that, but people have literally no concept that the right to bear arms IS and SHOULD BE subject to reasonable restriction by the government. No Constitutional right is absolute and unfettered! I’ve actually had some marginal success with gun enthusiasts who possess a kernel of reason with this point. Think:

It’s all so disgusting and shameful. I just can’t with this whole debate on abortion - they way they talk about women, the lying... it’s utterly depressing.

Oh God, I want to give you all the stars for this. ALL. THE. STARS. YES.

That’s just like, your opinion, man. (I like the cut of your jib.)

Oh my God. This is exactly the way I have felt a goodly part of my entire life. I mean, I can recall feeling this as a kid! THANK YOU. if there’s any good to come out off this ridiculous debacle, it’s knowing this word. (Incidentally, I taught my co-workers the wonder of schadenfreude.)

I almost spit out my water reading all the responses to this comment. Hilarious.