
Rose McGowan, one of the few of Weinstein’s victims to speak publicly about her abuse, was called “batshit insane,” and her habit of speaking openly about the casual sexism in Hollywood, treated as a questionable spectacle from an unwell woman. McGowan did not act like a victim should. She was angry and messy rather

Here’s the deal...

I heard it was more flirtation than actual affair, but with Affleck who knows.

This is the best season of PR, right? The only other that comes close, for me, is the season we got Siriano and the delightful Chris March.

i can remember exactly what one of them said to me. i had worn a black dress to our holiday party / student performance, which was obviously dressier than what i wore when teaching. that next monday, a dad came in and said “me and [other dad] were talking about that black dress you wore on friday. we liked it”and

And Sean Astin! I like that they cast as many ‘80s actors as possible BUT that squirrely teen looks so much like Bill Hader that they should really have him narrate in flash-forward or something.

The whole gang is back! Except for Barb. Who is dead.

See, but it was a MALE makeup artist. Those are important.

Why would they “back the makeup artist over Lively”? Because MEN DON’T BELIEVE WOMEN TRULY EXPERIENCE THIS. They listened, and they wrote it off as her being a diva, or sensitive, or overly PC or just someone who overreacts to stuff. Because a lot of them do stuff like that themselves, so they think “it’s no big

I’m mad now because your explanation makes too much sense.

A lot of men assume that a woman who says she was sexually harassed by a man is probably either exaggerating out of female hysteria (women...they’re soooo emotional!) or is lying for attention/fame/money.

I’m not sure if this counts or not, my I’m sure it was headed down the road of harassment if it wasn’t already. An employee of a vendor we were working with at an old job would have to work with me a lot. When we worked together, he would just stare at my chest. It’s not like I was wearing low cut shirts or am well

A coworker came to me as they mistaked me having an office for sometype of management. (I was a longtime employee that had lots of knowledge of our systems the office was for privacy) She told me her story, she was young first job out of college and was scared to lose the job. I comforted her and let her know I would

100% he is preemptively on the defence also known as “Pulling A Ben Affleck”

Sometimes I wonder how many actresses get called “Difficult to work with” or “Divas” after rebuking sexual advances.

Bobby, the incredible, brilliant, incandescent Emma Thompson has something to say (Full 11 minute interview here.) She ties Trump into it, too.

I’ve always enjoyed Diego Luna, after Rogue One I am crazy for him. He was SO good.

“Hmm, good point, but have you ever considered: eat my ass???”

I thought this was going to be a “Would You?” but was just worded like that bc he’s pretentious and arty.