This TV adaptation of The Alienist is the thing I’m most looking forward to in 2018, particularly as it comes out in…
This TV adaptation of The Alienist is the thing I’m most looking forward to in 2018, particularly as it comes out in…
Does not have the complexion for protection.
Omar Delgado
It’s like “support our troops”. They don’t actually care about giving these people good lives but just want to use them as political props to get what they want.
Agreed. Crews is brave for talking about his own experience and needs to be taken serious.
No. As a white folk I’d like to point out that the only fucking time that HW denied the accusations is when Lupita Nyong’o shared her story.
Also how I read it. I was like yup, we white people do that shit all time. We parade in pussy caps. We gush over Taylor Swift’s law suit. WOC, women in poverty, LGBTQ+, disabled women, etc have it way, way worse but we are absolutely awful at allowing those stories to be heard. We’re like “oooooo shiny microphone. I…
I think you’re saying that yes, white people do that shit. Because that’s how I read it the first time, but I can also see how Hachi read it and from that perspective this looks bad. Your use of “oppression olympics” adds a lot more snark than the rest of your statement can handle without making the whole thing look…
Congratulations. Here’s your Peak White Feminism trophy. Take it quickly before we run out; there are a lot of contenders in the comments today.
Do you disagree with the point that often we don’t hesitate the accept the microphone and many times don’t reflect on whose voices aren’t being amplified? Just because I’m handed the platform doesn’t mean I have to take it — I can push back on the system that looks to me first for my thoughts/feelings/experiences by…
PSA: Union saying this does not diminish anyone’s experience. She is stating a fact about how things are. Kind of like how AIDS wasn’t taken seriously until a little white boy was dying of it -Ryan White (and when a white male celebrity got it - Rock Hudson). There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging reality (in fact…
Yep. A while back, when ebola was the media panic du jour, the mommy blogs were brimming with oily entrepreneurs claiming their magic formula could prevent and cure infection. Some even had the nerve to travel on “missions” to infected villages to sell oils and conspiracy theories about evil Big Pharma.
I used to go to a chiropractor who, while I doubt the science behind it, did make my back feel better at a cheap rate. Then I heard he was also moving into essential oils because of their hidden benefits and never went back. There’s a level of stupidity even my self-interest won’t tolerate.
I have two friends in the essential oils business. Nice ladies, but I went to high school with one and she was no honor student. Yet they’re cheerfully posting suggestions on a daily basis with advice on how you can “dissolve” their oils in water, or why your mother’s dementia can be cured by them and it’s all safe…
Yeah, I work in addictions research which is...a mixed bag. Some of the studies that come out are pretty horrifying, methodologically speaking, and some of the addictions docs’ understanding of evidence-based medicine is shocking. Some are, of course, fantastic. But certainly not all.
Staunch atheist here, but I LOVE the Christmas season. I decorate, bake, take time to select gifts I think people will love, and listen to lots of holiday music. Now that I have kids, I have a couple of fellow enthusiasts (my husband could easily take a pass on the whole thing).
My boss told our group that word for word last week: “If you get called, don’t worry, it’s a joke and you just say what they want you to say.” He wanted the woman in the room to know that her complaint wouldn’t be taken seriously and he wanted the man in the room to know he was on his side. It’s a great place to…