
And Hollywood is the very worst. Look at who she was talking to- Letterman had multiple affairs with workers where he had all the power. I’m not saying they were coerced, but he abused his position too.

Goat. This is a societal problem deeper than Weinstein, deeper than Hollywood. Talk to just about any woman you know, and chances are they’ve experienced some form of sexual impropriety. It’s just harder to form a cohesive group to slay a predator when said predator is a rando on the bus who grabs your ass instead of

Even the phrase “open secret” as a description seems wrong to suggest there was any secrecy at all.

Nope, just sacrificial goat. An interview with journalist Jodi Kantor in Slate points out that victims only seemed willing to come forward because he seemed less powerful now; and even then, many of them were scared and concerned.

Tell us again that nobody knew.

god even talking about him makes her uncomfortable. look at her body language. look at her nervous laughter and her shifting her weight. it breaks my heart. i’ve done that nervous laugh way too many times in my 31 years.

You are a little bit confused here. First, in the US - you provide your client the best defense your abilities allow. Second, in this particular case, it was a civil suit and the attorney was representing the school - not the pervert. School was trying to lower the amount these children would be awarded by shifting

Did you know that Bravo used to be a channel focused on the arts? Like documentaries about Martha Graham and Andy Warhol. But that was before Terminator 2 qualified as an independent film and Star Trek was British television.

Nope. They all knew. Harvey Weinstein’s sexual proclivities were a well known open secret in Hollywood. Anybody that says they didn’t know is straight-up lying.

Even more terrible?

This is straight out of the derailing handbook. The writer is supposed to find a case of black ER nurse manhandled by a white policeman in the course of doing her job to prove a a phenomenon (disparities in witness sympathies to white vs black victims of police violence) that is actually documented in academic

I’m sure alcohol or drugs would have miraculously found their way into the blood sample if the cop had been allowed to take it, too.

The problem is that that this is a completely different kind of incident.

This. There was no reason for the blood draw in the first place except as a hail Mary that there *might* be something in the guy’s system they could use to pin blame for the crash. Payne’s line about wanting it to clear him of wrongdoing is bull.

I don’t know the hierarchy at SLC PD but a demotion from lieutenant to officer sounds like a huge drop in status. Part of me feels like this is even better than firing because he’s being humiliated every single day he reports to work.

The nurse made a point in a statement early on that seems lost in the narrative now. The so-called good cops, the ones hired by the hospital to protect staff and patients, didn’t help her. They acquiesced to another officer, even though he was clearly in the wrong. Cops don’t question other cops. They don’t police

You make it seem as if this lady was trading on her privilege

What really did him in is the fact that she was a white woman. Let’s not kid ourselves here.

What’s not often mentioned in these stories is the reason he was trying to draw the blood: A police chase caused that fatal crash, and they were looking for ways to shift the blame to the victims. Every aspect to the story is so fucking terrible/unsurprising.

Good he was fired. His supervisor needed to be fired, too. The only reason this happened was because of the pushback from the body cam video.