
While that may have worked for the book, it certainly sounds like it would create a very uninteresting drama for TV. I mean, making the one guy sculpted, kind, brave, handsome, etc and his opposite the most complete asshole imaginable seems kind of comic bookish.

I very stupidly saw Black Swan (it’s about ballet! we’ll all love it!) with my mom and grandma. On Christmas Day. Dear god, it was so uncomfortable that I think I watched half the movie from under my seat.

Most people don’t like Brianna much in the book either, she’s the one people always complain is one dimensional. I (wondered if this was actually a master stroke of casting since people say the same in the show ha ha.)

OMG, OMG—I accidentally watched the Jamie getting raped one with my EXTREMELY prim and proper mother in law. After I told her how great and romantic the show was. Like it just kept getting more and more horrible, and I was sitting there trying to figure out if it would be MORE awkward to turn it off or just make it

Don’t be. The last few minutes are amazing.

I know right? Why is Ron Moore so set on making him this great guy? I get that we find out later he knew more and tried to protect Bree etc but THERE WAS NO “OPEN MARRIAGE” IN THE BOOK! Why make Claire the bad guy there in the show? And Claire had no living family so what a load of crap “she could have left”, in the

She dyed her hair.

And did she de-age when she went back? She looks 30 again.

Frank is horrible — waaaay more horrible in the books than in the show — abusive, ragingly racist and misogynistic. He sucks.

She is one of the only bad casting choices — WHHHY!

Yasssssss! This week’s episode dragged a bit for me for most of it but only because I knew what was coming. And those last 5-10 minutes?

Book readers, can anyone spoil this one question for me - are we done with the annoying daughter? She’s suuuuuch a bad actor and drags down the whole series. Please tell me we’ve left her in the 20th century for good...

So, I introduced this show to my parents in the first season because I thought it would totally be their thing, and guess what? It was! Which is great, I love when I give successful recommendations.

I think DJTJr vastly over-estimates the value of the Harvey Weinstein story as fodder for late-night TV. What exactly would an SNL skewering of Harvey Weinstein look like? While the guy has some name recognition, it’s not like he’s a visible cultural icon. If you were to poll the country, I would guess that 75% of

I hate all the trumps with the burning fire of a thousand suns, and wish them nothing but unscratchable genital itching, but he’s not wrong.

The amount of things people do not know will shatter your heart.

In 1959, there were millions of Americans who’d fought in or lost family members during WWII. Nazis wouldn’t dare march in the streets - they’d have been shot at from homes. There were other white supremacist groups who would be out, but unconcealed Nazis in the open, this is a much more recent phenomenon. Be afraid.

WTF. White men killed a shitload of cops in 2016, but Black people are the problem for complaining about being constantly harassed, assaulted, and killed? OK, makes sense. These fucking sick assholes.

...and the fact she almost certainly doesn’t consider ethnically Jewish people “white.”

She also believes Jesus was white, even though that makes no goddamn sense considering he was born in the Middle East.