
I’m short and petite, I was at the mall and having a cigarette and an old guy asked me just straight out if I was in high school and I was like uhhh no I’m like 30 and he was like oh too bad.

Maybe the doubt is the product of a gap in life experiences between men and women.

And Jerry Sandusky seemed like a great guy to everyone but his victims. Your point?

For some reason the idea of Woods lurking on a negative post about himself and commenting “I heard he was polite to old people once” as a character defense is making me giggle helplessly.

I read her op-ed and wondered why anyone would doubt her. I’m willing to bet the majority of American women of my generation could tell you a story about an adult man who tried to pick them up (or worse) while they were underage.

I agree that with James Woods that a relationship between a 17-year-old and a 24-year-old is absolutely creepy

Because it’s heterosexual.

Also, Woods is a garbage person. Who cares if you heard that he was nice to people once? Are you dense?

She remembers at age 21 going to a producer about a stalker on set, and the response was that “there are two sides to every story.”

“The other guy from Scary Movie 2"?

How about Jerry Seinfeld dating a 17 year old when he was in his late 30s. Why hasn’t James Woods come out with the “ewww” about that?!

I like Jennifer Grey too. Plus, her dad is Joel Grey. I’d LOVE to have drinks with them!

She seems like one of those people that is perpetually complaining. She’s the friend that makes a scene at the restaurant about the table, the service, the water, the view, and then complains to the manager by starting out with, “I come here A LOT...”.

lol, neither have I.

You stabbing Jennifer Jason Leigh in the back by not including her in your list:

What about Jennifer Tilly?

Eh, my vote is Jennifer Connelly.

but that would be a massive insult to Charo, who is everything holy and good.

Charo had (has?) a way better body. And most of it is probably hers. Doesn’t even look like she messed with her face or if she did it isn’t obvious.

She’s criticized women for fillers, looking like and/or being strippers, being “fake” etc, and after seeing that picture I’m convinced it’s because all of those descriptors hit a little too close to home.