Sorry friend, I didn’t realize I was not allowed to have an opinion anymore now that I’m older gamer.
Sorry friend, I didn’t realize I was not allowed to have an opinion anymore now that I’m older gamer.
Did mom burn the Hot Pockets tonight?
You could argue that every comment is unnecessary. After all, the only stuff that really matters here is the information given to us in these articles. The comments are for people to freely discuss or comment, regardless of opinion or whatever.
I was sitting in the living room minding my own business like a good tax-paying and law-abiding citizen, eating my TV dinner when the news broke on the TV. I dropped my fork to the ground, I couldn’t believe what I had heard. My wife started to cry uncontrollably, she was inconsolable.
I know, ranks right up there with the Bowling Green Massacre on the tragedy scale.
Skyrim ports and the Fallout 76 mess aren’t even comparable.
All the canvassing for the midterm elections really depleted our reserves.
The article is mostly positive, noting what’s broken, but also noting that they are enjoying it. Should people not be aware of what they can and cannot expect from a game? If someone is wanting to lay down their money, should they not have some sense of what it is that they are getting, especially since it’s been over… would be stupid enough to think that would pay off... ... ...
The guy down the street and is almost always entirely accurate with what he has said is absolutely fine by me, ya dingus.
...Are you just dumb or what? Not to be rude.
I’m making something up - Slagathor
Cool bro, glad you got all that off your chest.
I think Diablo on mobile is a fantastic idea, and I can’t wait to play it, but I agree with most everything else you said. The funny thing is, even if every single hater refused to play the game (and I doubt that will be the case), there would still be millions of players who are stoked that Blizz put out a Diablo…
From the expansionist conceit of leaving a vault to populate the West Virginia wasteland
Maybe I am the minority but I prefer women who don’t like makeup. The excuse that makeup helps build confidence is a lie in every way imaginable.
Well then the OP blows for not wanting to date shorter guys SO MUCH that she actually resents short women when they date the tall men that she is apparently entitled to.
Not like that.
I’m going to point out the part where your analogy proves the point of mods, and then you’re going to go ‘well they should do it anyways because blah blah blah’....but here we go.
Nobody’s going to fuck you voluntarily no matter how much you whine on the Internet.