
There's so much stupid in this comment I honestly hope you didn't get vaccinated. Holy shit.

RGS had some great deals. Each week, they’d offer four “Razer exclusives,” where buying the game would get you a $15 coupon. That was on top of what was usually a 10-15% discount. You could then use that coupon on another Razer exclusive, effectively saving you $30. There were a lot of big games that were included in

The standard 5 - 10% of winnings is for a regular caddie that you work with year round. There’s value and benefit from working with someone over time, not just on a one-week basis. And those guys also get 5 - 10% of wins because they’re there for the non-wins too, when they only collect a salary of ~$1 - 2k/week if I

I kind of agree with what you’ve just mentionned. Just recently, it’s been mentionned that movie/tv piracy started going up again after many years of going down in a more or less steadily manner. And most analysts are saying the multiplication of streaming services is playing a big part in this.

So because Rome practiced conquest and slavery like every other civilization at the time, it didn’t suffer when it starved in the 5th-century, or from Germanic invasions, or when it was sacked with looting and rape?


easy there rambo

> There’s a lie I never thought I’d read

wahhh i dont trust anyone so i put cameras everywhere, maybe i shouldnt rent out my home as an airbnb.

Waaaaah this person who’s home I’m staying in has a life outside of my temporary intrusion into their life.

Okay, without any equivocation: telling people to die because you’re an unhappy consumer is never okay.

It’s not disingenuous, it’s central to the point I’m making about the exact nature of what it is they actually sold to people. You can dismiss it as a technicality if you’d like but what there’s a significant difference between “You get to choose which romantic encounters your character has” and “You get to ultimately

Well then, just go build your OWN rip-off mobile game! With blackjack! And hooker-bots!

C’mon man, if someone gets bored they get bored. It’s up to the game to maintain the player’s interest. #1 rule of storytelling is you need to hook 'em early and give them a reason to stay.. No need to be a dick.

It’s weird seeing all these top ten lists invariably include “Assassin Creed: Odyssey” as one of their favorite games. “There’s so much to do! So much to explore!” I’m part of the club who played the game for about an hour before being bored and disappointed and sent it back via gamefly.

LOL, Thats what his dance is. A Coherent whole. Thats why you and I and everyone can recognized his dance. We all know its the Carlton because its a coherent whole. Nice try, though.

Seems you might be the only one, bud

Vocab question: wouldn’t these changes make the TTK ‘higher’? Since the time to kill is getting longer, therefore the number is going up? Just wondering since I don’t usually muck about with damage tables and such, and I’m not sure what value is being referred to.

Contra-point, if you wear your time around your waist it will result in an infinite loop. I emplore you, don’t waist time.

Well, just think of the ubiquity of Fortnite as a necessary foot in the door that Epic needed to make this feasible. It removes one of the biggest friction points, getting users to create an account for a huge group of people, Fortnite players (although not you and me, I’m not a Fortnite player either).