
My memory is failing me right now, but after DeVries’ debut race, wasn’t he so physically exhausted he needed help getting out of the car?

“California has the nation’s second highest gas excise tax

Well, you’re certainly not wrong about that

That’s an RTX 3090 Ti in the picture, but the sentiment is 100% accurate and the new cards will be no different.

Many motherboards come with small brackets you place under the cards so they don’t sag.

Repair shops are going to see a ton of motherboards with hernias.

It is really so hard to understand why this happens?

There’s nothing innovative about a mediocre rich brat throwing regular tantrums on Twitter. We used to have an entire presidency which revolved around that.

Yawn, another (liberal) author for a video game website trying to take a hit at one of the most innovative men to ever live.”

Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.   

That’s just being a actual boss entails lol.

The Dodge Dart stands out on this list to me as the one with the most blown potential. If Chrysler had only put a normal (if shitty) Chryco drivetrain in it they would have sold a lot more. If they’d given it a Neon-like suspension tune and made the $19,000 base car look like this:

The ELR and its commercial is the perfect example of why they should fire everyone of the Csuite people at GM because they are completely out of touch.

My grandfather bought a Cadillac Catera. He traded in his old 80's baby blue Caddy for it. He was so proud of it, and I don’t care if historically it wasn’t a great car. Every time I see one or hear one mentioned I think of him, and the spring and summer weekends I would spend at his place helping him mow his lawn. Or

Well, with Bruce Willis getting out of acting, the low-budget, direct to streaming film producers will need another former big name star for their productions. Maybe Depp can fill the void but even the low-rent producers may not want his stench on their product or his presence on their sets.

Lucid, you got some ‘splaining to do. 

Alledged direct quote from Tyson:

When you are trapped on a plane, it’s not “talking to someone”. It was clearly continued harassment. Watch the video, it wasn’t just talking, the douche bro deserved it entirely.

Celebrities are people, too, and he should’ve left him alone.”

I still can't believe people want to buy this abomination.