
I do this, have been since the Navy, and whoa be unto the person that keeps me from my 12:30pm nap.  Not every day but most days I hit a light nap at lunch to recharge and get going in the afternoon.  Also I try to get small naps in when I get home after dinner.  I can nap just about anywhere since the Navy taught me

I mean just wait it out....

Someone call up Cosworth!  Let’s get them back in the race.  I mean the last time they had an engine it was amazing right? right?

So warm....

Bullshit he has it. No way the virus gets past the thick layer of cocaine and Adderall lining the inside of his nose.

I read that as RUSTY because David Tracy.

Damn you failing left LEG!  I would LOVE to buy this and get it fixed.  No way I could drive it for any length of time.  I have posted it on a Facebook community page full of crazy shit box owners that will know what to do.  I hope they get it and put the love into.

I drive a Nissan Leaf, I could use my penis as a neck tie but I am afraid of getting a hard on and chocking my self.

Give them $60 Billion to do it and I bet we can be on the Moon in 2024 getting ready for our 2026 Mars launch.

And I hope they keep running, their children run it, and on for generations. I love that sort of story where someone has a business that is running and making money and they can just thumb their nose at others for it. You know some developer would try to underpay for the land value or get out of some of the payment

I hope none of the blight is fixed by the first race.  Give it a real American decline look.

Do you know how bad it has to be for a Chinook combat pilot to go “Maybe we can’t make it?” Like the apocalypse bad.  These dudes are heros and seriously should be awarded medals for that flying bravery.  I don’t know what the Army awards aviators for their highest non combat medal, but they should get it.

My first thought was “Why not plastic corner straps for pallets?”  I have saved a bunch from my days in unpacking a bunch of pallets of IT equipment for system swap outs. I am sure Tesla could source them quickly from a local molder.  Its not a hard design to make.

I love my Leaf for commuting.  At work we have a building with solar that has 4 chargers hooked up to it. Its awesome to feel like I am not paying a bunch of my wage to oil companies.

I read this article the day it came out and they had 18 by the end of the day.  When I called the next day they had 2 of the LAPD ones left.  Now its ZERO.  These things got snapped up.

Why do all these cruising coupes come in THE BEST color possible.  The closest I have in money is getting a green GT86.

I still want one because I don’t know why but I think its just a cool looking car.

The SX4 is a great choice, so many of them are still going, they really are long lasting cars.  BUT, I feel like the Subaru is the better buy here in terms of features and support.

I would like to talk to you about our lord and savior Goodyear.

This has been a long standing argument of mine in these situations. So many times the cops use the excuse “Well the last data we had from 2-5 years ago said they lived/should be there. So we did what we could. Sorry we murdered that whole family while they were scared in their beds. Don’t blame us, we are going to