SoCal Dazed

The strippers, hookers & dealers in present day Las Vegas are robots. 100%, no question.

Was soooo looking fwd to WW. Now I can't help the thought of snooty TV writers in Hollywood sitting around laughing "hey let's write anything, whether it makes sense or not, the sheep will watch"…

I'm glad some other people are starting to get pissed off at this show. I was so looking fwd to it, and now it's just a 10-hour puzzle that takes 10 weeks to solve. I'll DVR it and check it out, but honestly, I turned off Episode 4 in the middle.
Maybe this is happening now, maybe this happening 30 years ago, maybe

Way to wrap up all your story lines Aaron…
Only thing missing was Fonzie jumping over a shark on water skis

scandal, like he wouldn't have said "fuck you Leona, go ahead, yes, I hired models for a party, good luck with that"

i like that comment

Jenna is hot

at least they didn't lip-sync Coldplay …
(which, at this point, would not have surprised me)

so, Mac is the President of ACN b/c that dude hired promotion girls for a party

'the value of journalism'. that's good.
read 'the boys on the bus'…or just google and wiki…
just tryin to help

great post. succinct. view widely shared

wow, how did we survive as a race before Aaron Sorkin was gracious enough to help us understand what's really going on….

Aaron Sorkin himself has 'click' incentives in his HBO contract, web site traffic incentives, and gross profit percentages on the back-end, but hey, who's counting …everyone is sell-out and a shill, except Aaron Sorkin…
and if you don't agree, you're stupid …sincerely, Aaron Sorkin

if you have any issues with my story-telling, characters, dialogue, or political views, you are stupid and unworthy of my contribution to humanity, I pity you, dear, less-informed rube - sincerely, Aaron Sorkin

be thankful the jim-maggie kiss wasn't set to coldplay for 5 minutes

0 , please

no, you are not smart enough to get it ! - if you do not agree with every characters' line of dramatic inflection, every clever sarcastic line of witty banter, every deep-rooted social contradiction; and if you don't agree with me 110% as any educated, well-informed, rational adult would….. you are not worthy of my

People think Sorkin does not respect women?
Come on, Maggie now speaks fluent Russian ……. problem solved

and coldplay playing live in studio

this was the last episode, right? please please please