SoCal Dazed

Yes, a 100-word sentence is pretentious & long; to whit my good doctor, let's analyze this (15),
I understand you came to this show with a very low opinion of yourself & never considered the fact that tv network news & cable news for that matter have been in the tv ratings business since the inception of the vacuum

Tess & Jenna spinoff - they are malibu lifeguards

yup - exactly

Anyone else have different expectations when they 1st heard about this show?
Yes, a clever, satirical parody of cable news. I'm in!
CNN gets big ratings for disappearing airplanes, missing blondes, race riots & murder trials. Fox News' legal experts are Sarah Palin and the guy from Duck Dynasty. MSNBC has the Al

I can fill you in (no spoilers here):
55 minutes of unlikable characters with no chemistry making really long speeches of 100 words or more that all sound the same and lecturing each other on Aaron Sorkin's pov.
Sound like fun?

no, sorkin could never be that succinct

Tess and Jenna are available !

imo, the people who defend this show as soooo smart,
probably never saw Network (or read The Boys On The Bus)

Tech-savvy millenials also think Taylor Swift, Katy Perry & Lady Gaga sing live

you want fun?
watch The Newsroom on HBO-Spanish and try to keep up. It's a riot !

set to coldplay

Aaron, relax, it's almost over

good reply, points taken, happy thanksgiving

Libby, Great Review.
aaaww, was looking fwd to the December 2016 episode when they cover the 2014 mid-term elections and the Ferguson non-indictment….

ok since you asked:
I hate this show more & more and can't wait for it to end. Nobody is holding a gun to my head, but at this point it's more curiosity than likability.
Love-Hate-Love has turned into Hate-like-Hate.
This episode is just more of the same garbage, blah blah blah everybody talks the same, everybody makes

i love this show i hate this show i love the characters i hate the characters;