According to this example, it goes back to a time when most parishioners couldn't read lyrics, so the hymn leader called out each verse. You've probably heard this before in movies and on t.v. Kind of eerie and beautiful at the same time.
According to this example, it goes back to a time when most parishioners couldn't read lyrics, so the hymn leader called out each verse. You've probably heard this before in movies and on t.v. Kind of eerie and beautiful at the same time.
I know which case that was, because I work at the nonprofit that worked with your firm on it. And yep, we're definitely thinking about that ruling here!
No Pharrell Williams nostalgia trip is complete without the Punchie loves Pikachu video.
They already have a website up, and there's a great big donation link on the front page: http://americansforresponsiblesolutions.org/
YES! I was just coming to post this myself! The one with his head stuck in the playpen railing kills me every time.
Not Guillermo — Gargulio. Come on, the poor guy had to say it so many times!
There's a feature-length documentary about them too, and last time I checked it was available on Netflix. Be ready for more eye leakage! There's also a lot more info about her case at the ACLU's website, if you're interested. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1512779/ …
With you on that 100%. I can take all sorts of gore and violence, but barfing ooks me out to no end. I always have to close my eyes and put my fingers in my ears.
Way to Godwin — by calling a Jew a Nazi, no less! Aren't you fancy?
Did anyone else get grossed out at how badly chewed her fingernails are? I mean, on top of all the other things to gross you out in this.
Have you looked at her IMDB listing? She has dozens of photos, and not a single acting credit.
Nope. When you have a business that it "open to the public" you don't get to pick and choose what "the public" is.
I just about busted my gut when it got to the elevator part.
POOTIE! I LOOOOOVE YOU, POOTIE! Please! Don't leave me out here on my lonesome! Give a girl something!
Actually, this was about a reception, not a wedding. The headline is misleading — this was a straight up case of refusing public accommodations on the basis of sexual orientation.
I'm an aging lady who still loves cool James.
Goddangit Lindy, I love you so much.
This story is messed up and disgusting, but keep it in mind the next time you hear someone claim that allowing same-sex couples to legally marry will end up forcing churches to host same-sex weddings. Churches aren't legally bound to allow any weddings they don't want to, no matter whose wedding it is.
Urgh. I am happy he got to do this, but the principal's actions weren't just wrongheaded — they were most likely unconstitutional. But this and most of the other coverage of Kameron's situation have completely overlooked that. Here's a really similar situation from California a couple of years ago.