Does it make me a bad person to laugh that this woman's last name is "Kitchens" when she talks like this?
Does it make me a bad person to laugh that this woman's last name is "Kitchens" when she talks like this?
You're missing what I'm trying to say by conflating related concepts.
I'm sorry, but I am not sure what this comment is saying.
It is known.
Okay, let's tackle beauty, then. That is one where people frequently tell themselves things that are at odds with what they are shown by the world around them.
On reliability: sure, no source is going to be the best. Science likes its experiments repeatable, after all...
It is known that women in Saudi are banned from driving
That is what I'm saying, but it seems to me that not all people know that!
You and I are having very different conversations, and I think maybe the definition of "validation" is the sticking point. I'm not saying anything is needed for anyone. Society chooses what it wants and you choose what you want.
What is honesty? How do you define that particular trait? Any useful definition of it is going to involve other people, isn't it?
Ah, but you have those qualities - decentness, kindness, honestness... how do you know? You can choose to value those things, and feel good about having them, but how do you know you have them?
The danger is that a lot of people feel like if their bodies aren't valued, they have no value, and that's simply untrue. Nobody is required to exhibit any particular trait. If you aren't good at sports, that's okay! If you don't meet a particular standard of beauty, that is also okay! These are not (or at least…
Ooh, is it my turn? Last time it was your turn...
The point was that there was no right or wrong way to be feminist and do activity X.
I am a magical, not-feminist-but-not-not-feminist snowflake, for I do some of these things in ways that are not listed as either!
Sorry, my other post makes it sound very concrete that "X is true" and that wasn't my intent.
I have not seen this ad of which you speak, but I like the sound of it and will make a quick trip around the internets to see if I can dig it up.
Hey there you person, you.
I have never been to an Ikea, but frustration therein is news to me. Frustration while trying to assemble the stuff, sure.
Anecdata! (Better still, subjective anecdata)