bullshit reservoir is full

Nope. Dismissed!

Never said the word accident, never said anybody who raped anybody wasn't 100% culpable and deserving of the full punishment the law provides for, and in fact have repeatedly told you this while you keep sticking your fingers in your ears. Not backing up anybody who rapes anybody and fully aligned with drastically

And, because it'd be unfair to do otherwise, I must now admit that I have reciprocally dismissed Ginmar's comments from this thread after continued inability to converse in anything resembling a civil manner. And a distinct lack of reading comprehension.

You really can't even read. I called the bushes guys psychopaths, and said the others are not. Dismissed!

I need to apologize to you. I've dismissed Ginmar's comments that lead to this, making this discussion invisible to people not linked to it explicitly, and that's not entirely fair to you, but Kinja doesn't let us dismiss one link in a chain. The whole cascade from there on down is gone.

Not people. One person. And yeah, it's surprising.

Hey everybody, Ginmar Rienne has dismissed a chain of comments that made them look bad. Ginmar Rienne is a huge fucking asshole who can't even conceive of the prospects of being wrong about a person or that they might be the person who misreads or misunderstands and doesn't want everybody to see how ridiculously

They're too numerous not to be considered otherwise normal. Ted Bundy was one in ten million. Acquaintance rapists are WAY more numerous than that. Better than one in a hundred.

Say it with me now:

I'm not saying they deserve sympathy! I don't say we should be lenient, I don't say they aren't to blame, I don't do any of that!

Hey, I'm gonna tell you once. Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say that. You and I both know I didn't. Everyone can see those words aren't there.

I didn't use the word accident. I didn't say that the men were blameless because they didn't know. How on earth are you getting that?

I was pretty sure the general consensus around these parts was "teach men not to rape" and the general consensus elsewhere was "lol that's dumb". So that's what I addressed here, but if you've still got some kind of vendetta against me that's cool.

>Not because they just can't tell they're committing rape

Anyone who remembers exactly how many times they've been hungover is using brain power foolishly.

And that is a totally great and fine way to be! I have no problem whatsoever with holding back a joke because of the people around you.

I'll be saying "men" and "women" here, talking about the majority scenario. Yes, other rapes happen, but these are the ones we're currently addressing, yeah? So long as the stuff outlined below doesn't make other rapes more common, it can't hurt to tackle the problem one thing at a time, can it?

With that framework, slapstick comedy is never okay because nobody ever deserves to go through physical pain or discomfort. It invalidates an enormous amount of comedy. If you really want to go with the "bad things happening cannot be funny", go ahead.

You're oversimplifying. Hardly anybody is a complete angel or a complete monster. If you make fun of a person who's being a jerk, how do you know that person didn't suffer some terrible thing earlier that day to put them in a bad mood? If somebody innocent slips on a banana peel, are we not allowed to laugh?

I really do think that pretty much everyone agrees rape is bad. I don't think that's a faulty assumption. The problem is that people make excuses and say it wasn't really rape because X. That's why they make the excuses. They don't want to be talking about rape, which they know is bad. So they try to say