
To be fair to Affleck, his personal life was disintergrating at the time he was forced to smile and promote Batman, and his passion project movie Live by Night had also fallen into the crapper.

I think debilitating alcoholism counts as a pretty good reason for not committing yourself to a year of massive stress.



also too inept to load a dishwasher, make a bed, or do laundry.  Men are mostly shit ...

uuuugggghhhh, my sister is the same way. only recently did she stop referring to her husband “babysitting” their kids. 

A little of both, probably. By the time you’re in the shit it’s too late to fight about it because someone has to feed and bathe the kid. 

That sounds frustrating -- and you sound like you are an awesome mom rising to an uncommon and challenging situation! 

My husband’s usually really good about that stuff, but our new baby has a colostomy bag, and he’s replaced the bag (which happens every 24-36 hours) maybe twice since we brought her home in December, because I’m “so much better at it”.  I shouldn’t be the only one to have to deal with little poop geysers!

This essentially describes my aunt and uncle’s relationship. They have my grandparents essentially act as underpaid nannies to my cousins, even though my uncle spent a good chunk of my cousins’ young lives being unemployed and could have just been a stay at home dad and let my grandparents relax.

Starred for solidarity with your sentiment, but also for your username and the decade-old flashback to a fun Gawker story that seemed to live for months.

The sad thing is I have a (smart & important!) friend (who is still working full time!) who (important to note, this was before she actually had kids, but had the husband) said she wouldn’t trust her husband alone with the kids before they hit a certain age. I just thought why tf would you have kids with a guy you

Is it even really a con? Or by the time men pull it on their partners are the women just too fucking fed up?

Men convincing women that they are just too “inept” to care for the children they helped bring into the world is one of the oldest and most successful long-cons ever invented.

For real. As a father of two, this just screams lazy and can’t be arsed to try. Not cool at all.

Yeah, it’s mind boggling to me too. Except hair. I can’t do hair. I’m a single father of two daughters and luckily they are getting pretty good and doing their own or each other’s hair, because I just can’t do anything more than a simple pony tail. I’ve even taken lessons from friends and family members, but I just

I feel bad for your Pops, but at least he had that realization that he was wrong. There is a special brand of shitheel, who openly brag about not doing anything to raise their kids. No wonder most of his brood turned out the way they did.

My 80 year old dad never changed a diaper or spent much time with us. He is now so consumed with guilt and regret, and often talks about the great relationships my brothers have with their kids. He’s trying really hard with the grandkids, but gets pretty overwhelmed with the younger ones, because he never learned any

“I’m so wildly incompetent as a parent — indeed, more incompetent than most human beings age twelve and up — that I might literally kill my own child due to negligence! This is a thing I think is funny.” 

As a Dad, this really bothers me on a visceral level. Who WOULDN’T want to spend time with your kid?!? He’s YOUR KID. This will definitely impact them since “Dad doesn’t seem to care” which in turn will influence their parenting style which perpetuates this indifference.