
Yeahhh, that guy bugged me too.

I’m not a sneaker head, just a normal person and they are overpriced garbage, dad-looking, styrofoam blimp, crap colored, elderly wearing, thrift store-looking, break-the-bank Kardashian wannabe pieces of shit.



Hey now. I’m on bipolar meds and I’d never spew that garbage. Don't lump me in with her. 

I’ve watched it at least 10 times. I love Tom Hardy and I think this dark antihero will be awesome. I hope it's an R rating. 

I attest to the bipolar part. I’m not stupid by any means but in the past, when I was unmedicated, I was an unintelligible, brash, emotional rollercoaster that most people could not deal with. I am so much happier and focused when I’m on my meds.

How do I “love” this comment?

Thank you. I feel the same.

I’m not a mom and never will be so I’m disqualified to speak at those functions. Lol

Good one.

Humans can’teven drive REGULAR cars let alone FLYING cars. What about when they have engine trouble and just drop out of the sky onto people or dogs or houses? Mankind does not need this nonsense. How about put all that money into clean water for Africans or housingrefugees?