
As educators, our hands are pretty tied in these things. We can report the issues to the academic affairs officers and our direct superiors, but (especially as doctoral students) that's as far as it can go. Naming names is out of the question, because federal laws protect the students.

though Wolverton would not comment

Binge drinking is dangerous stuff, and really not a joke, Sean. Just look at what shotgunning did to Hemingway.

And to think there were some who speculated that Ford would never run again.

On the plus side, the sentence doesn't have a period.

When asked why he would attempt diving down to the horrifying, murky depths beyond which there is nothing but sadness, he said, "It may not make sense, but it's my passion. Still, even I have to admit that clicking the 'additional replies' button isn't for everyone."

Diver: [goes in]

At least he died doing what he loved: something you've probably never heard of before.

Mrs. Erg is a fine woman with many wonderful attributes but she is somewhat possessive. Posters of buxom woman would likely lead to a rather one-sided discussion that would bear a remarkable semblance to a hissy fit.

I did have some bad relationships with mushrooms back in the way back. Some of them are so fickle.

Not gonna be worth a flip till this Georgia / Auburn game is forgotten.

There's nothing of consequence on tonight. Why not watch a movie?

So in Oklahoma, a fully clothed person is a streaker as meth mouth is to a full set of teeth.

I disagree, McCutchen was much better with the bat this year than Molina AND played great defense at a key position. The case for Molina depends on how much of a team's pitching performance you're willling to ascribe to the catcher, and if your answer is "a lot" then it seems like you'd have to argue for a catcher to

Now playing

So I have a thing for Harriet Wheeler...

Hopefully this kid takes solace in the fact that he's the healthier of the two.

Looks like he never got that bear out of his head.

Maybe she is a REALLY aggressive cowgirl.

"We're gonna run the train, there, buddy. Push that shit, going deep, again and again, all night. I don't think you understand— we're gonna fuck up 'er insides, man, blow holes in there! We won't need any protection— we're just gonna come right in 'er end, there, and then we'll fuckin' laugh. LAUGH!"

-Any human

It's a shame the his Hotmail account wasn't compromised, because it would be a great prank to sign it up for a bunch of spam.