
tangled up in blue underwear

And in need of shelter from the storming security crew.

I think most onlookers were hoping Snyder wouldn't be standing at his next ground breaking ceremony.

Clearly, Earth doesn't even care about carbon emissions.

I feel vindicated. Except the opposite.

"When we come back, we'll breakdown the difficulties of an iso defense. "

He would have had more than enough material to have constructed this article weeks, months ago. And that is a tragedy.

I bet Nate Silver will be okay though.

I'm not saying that watching the video is something one ought not do. I'm just saying I don't have the stomach for it.

Like Ware and George , I just can't bring myself to watch what I'm certain is a much worse video. Feel for the family.

LSU has a great TV sports schedule. A link to that. And maybe a streaming friendly version as well.

I'm available to teach someone how to throw.

I read this entire posts thinking Mike Modano was Matthew Modine. I don't follow much NHL.

So does that mean just the underclassmen are going to be paid? Because that would be spectacular theater.

I feel like now we can start talking Clint Dempsey's rap album?

Great read.


Is it just me or are a lot of Chileans in winter coats. Who can deny climate change is real?

i just want all of the opposite calls.