
There is a local brew here called Lucky Bucket. If you can get your hand on a six pack where you reside it's a good drink.

When I start studying for my an actuarial exam, within a week my house is dust free and remains that way until I am done studying.

I was trying to stretch myself tonight.

"Crushing it sophomore year.
Not attending a minute of class spring semester.
Looking forward to his autograph being significantly less valuable next year."

Keg bud light and Houston didn't even win.
/ at a wedding reception.

When asked about getting consent...

They get at least one more game!!!!

If Cleveland takes out the Sox, I am planning on adopting them for the rest of their run.

I live in Omaha, low cost of living. Also mrs. Sober-ish is a great budgeter(fun-hater). If it weren't for her, who knows where I am.

Good luck.
I close on a house on Tuesday. Feels great.

MMA is just going through it's Growing Pains stage.

Kinda dusty. I thought they sprayed down the infield between innings.

Just found it; feel 1000 times better. thanks.

I feel kind of evil about that last one.

Take advantage now guy, because if there's one thing Turner field is known for, it's gravity.

He'll give you four opportunities before tomorrow morning.

Alright "Means" is on the kindle, on the android. Going off comments you've made here before, this isn't some fluff bio. And even if it is, I'm a big MLB fan, so I'm going to need something to read on my couch while the October games are on.

Sounds like somebody forgot to turn in their employee manual.

Jun-Seok: But I thought it was home run.

Looking it up on Amazon, is there an order to them or which one do you start with?