Sobchak Security

Forced to walk Times Square behind a family of out-of-town tourists.

Here’s a proper Republican solution for you, Ted… Ask Mexico to pay your relief!

I’ll just repeat what I said yesterday...

Send Rafael some bootstraps and a one way ticket to Canada. The Canadians can then decide if they want to send him to Cuba. Only Cruz could make me like something that dirtbag Peter King would say.

Plus he’s been stealing all the cans of soup that have been donated to the emergency shelters.

No one picked up your Randall Strossen biopic script, huh?

I comprehend why raising the minimum wage to $15/hr would be a disaster.

Shut up Nazi

Poor people are poor because of medical debt. Gotcha. That doesn’t mean they should make as much as someone who got educated and is skilled. Hardly seems fair to pay someone doing a minimum wage job with more than what the value of the job is. That has nothing to do with debt. Nice try though!

We can also call them by their more-popular name, trump supporters.

“Why don’t they just stop being poor? I mean hasn’t anyone heard of  bootstraps?”

The number one reason we have Trump is because 63 million dumbasses voted for him. Priorities, please.

It’s frustrating because it puts her back in the news cycle. Instead of having to face the reckonings of his inability to govern (in the midst of the ongoing Mueller investigation, a possible government shutdown and an upcoming budget mess alongside who knows what else), Trump can deflect to Hillary yet again. I can

Excellent, let’s keep the circular firing squad going while the GOP continues to run roughshod over the country. We’ll be the death of ourselves.

Wait, Democrats were banking on Libertarians to vote for them? Holy shit, a strategy dumber than the one they actually used!

Wait, people are now getting blamed for the negative consequences of their decisions??? SHOCKING!!!!

Go to a soup kitchen, march in an anti fascist march, give your papers and letters to a deserving institution. You have more than enough money. This stinks of crass commercialism. You lost and now we all suffer. Don’t chisel pennies from your supporters, it’s almost as bad as a MAGA hat.

Trump won Wisconsin, which hadn’t gone red in a presidential race in more than 30 years, by some 28,000 votes

Here’s an idea: even if you want to say climate change isn’t settled science, maybe it’s not a bad idea to find alternative sources of energy when fossil fuels are held by people who hate America and when they’re a finite resource?

Look, we just don’t have enough information about climate change, so in the meantime, let’s keep pushing policies that accelerate climate change and blame the actual weather events on liberal media and fake news, okay?