Sobchak Security

If your business model is predicated on not paying employees a living wage - as if even an increase in the minimum would be helpful in D.C. - then maybe you should lose your business. Boycott this motherfucker.

I got a very similar notice from the company we rent our white goods from a few weeks ago. To paraphrase: ‘We’re putting our prices up because minimum wage and pension contributions are higher now. We hate to have to do this. Etc. Whah whah whah.’ Here’s the thing: I get that prices go up occasionally. That’s fine.

Looking forward to the wheels of revolution rolling over people like this.

Can you fucking imagine a restaurant adding a whiny note and a surcharge if any other service costs increased?

Yes to all of this! Maybe if your business model depends on you treating workers like scum, you don’t deserve to operate that business. Douchebags!

I am juuuuuuuuust about done doing business with anyone that operates a business at so high a profit margin to the detriment of its on the ground workers and refuses to even consider that maybe, JUST MAYBE, their fucking greed is the problem. I know businesses have the intention of making money but the existence of

Rich people are always the cheapest motherfuckers around.

What a douche. I have zero problems paying more for fair wages for workers. I would venture to guess the average person doesn’t either. Putting that passive aggressive missive on the bottom that places the blame on the minimum wage workers is pathetic.

There are a few places in my city who put notices up that they were increasing the prices of all menu items by a dollar per item. Not 3%. Just a flat dollar each. So if you got, say, a $3 basket of fries, welp, your fries just got a 33% price increase. And the notices specifically state it’s because they now have to

Wow, only 3 percent? Conservatives told us prices were going to like, double! What the hell happened?

A few years back when the ACA was going into effect, the Papa of Papa Johns yelled about how he would have to raise the prices by 50 cents to cover the additional costs. How horrific!

Fuck this Chump loving motherfucker! He wants to be just like Chump. All he needs to do is blame the “alt-left” for taking away his billions to try and give people a slightly better than nothing wage to hit the Chump trifecta.

The people who buy shit like this probably don’t have pubes. They wax that shit bald.

there are, i’m now realizing, levels of tuck i’m willing to accept.

You’re probably not the target demographic for Beachtail then.

Someone posted this elsewhere, which I thought was particularly apt here

Who wore it better

Because who doesn’t love getting metal things tangled in your pubes, and then adding sand and water (preferably salt water)!

Who wouldn’t want contact dermatitis from cheap pussy jewelry?